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Many of us have recently pondered the question: which vaccine is better—Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J? Those of us interested in sustainability may also want to know which of these companies has the best ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) performance?

金博宝手机版网页CSRHUB’s ESG ratings service tracks all three companies (we currently track more than 45,000 entities). All three companies have above average ratings.



Company Comparison Dec 2015 - Nov 2020


Pfizer, Moderna, J&J: How Much ESG Data Is Available?

The top level comparison of the three leading COVID vaccine producers showed that Johnson & Johnson had a better consensus rating of its sustainability performance from CSRHub than its two peers, Pfizer and Moderna. But, how well supported is this view? How much data is there on these companies? Can we diagnose where and why one company does better and another does worse?



Not all of these data elements are useful for generating an ESG rating. For instance, we have published studies showing that the Brand Finance Brand Strength Indicators and the Goods Unite Us Campaign Finance Report Score are correlated with CSRHub’s measure of Leadership Ethics. But, data elements such as Dividend Payout Ratio, number of Board meetings, number of patents, or marketing and communications quality don’t by themselves tell us much about a company’s social performance. Other items such as E-waste or involvement in weapons production don’t apply to this type of company.

“有用”的数据元素的百分比范围从14%到30%不等。许多数据从大型,面向投资者的评级公司(例如MSCI,ISS,S&P Global,Moody's(V.E),Covalence,Arabesque S射线和理想评级)进入ESG评级市场。(所有这些公司都向CSRHUB贡献了数据。)但是,较小的来源贡献了大量信息,从金博宝手机版网页现代A的3%到J&J的29%。




One might expect that three competitors in the same industry would have the same data sources. Our example companies provide a nice illustration that this is not true. It turns out that all 15 of the sources available on Moderna are also available for Pfizer and J&J. However, both Pfizer and J&J have sources that the other one does not.

Each Company Has A Different Set of Sources



As a result, a rating of each of these three companies must be based on different sets of indicators from a different array of sources. The percentage overlap at the indicators level between Moderna and the two more-established companies is over 95%. The percentage overlap between Pfizer and J&J is about 90%.

人类和猫的DNA有90%的重叠 - 在这两家公司可用的数据元素之间看到的内容。我们应该担心数据不一致吗?我们可以从重叠的要素中学到什么?非重叠的元素如何有助于提高我们的理解?

Pfizer, Moderna, J&J: How to Combine the Signal from Overlapping and Non-Overlapping Sources?


More Overlapping Elements Favor J&J

还有许多不重叠的元素 - 一家公司或另一家公司的独特之处。非重叠元素的加权平均评级也有利于J&J。


The “weight” mentioned above is a proprietary value calculated by CSRHub that indicates the extent to which a particular data element’s rating is associated with consensus. Higher weighted elements have more effect on the rating calculation than lower weighted ones and thing brings the final rating closer to consensus. About 55% of the available “weight” for the comparison was in the “Same Rating” bucket. The other 45% pushed the J&J and Pfizer scores in different directions.

It seems that there is a firm basis for comparing these three virus producers not just on the quality of their vaccine, but on their environment, social, and governance performance. We haven’t explored in depth the factors that are driving each company’s ratings. And, there is the potential for errors in this type of comparison, especially when the amount of data is lower for one peer (as it is for Moderna). Still, those who want to add an ESG dimension to their understanding of our vaccine situation should be able to do so, if they wish.

Bahar Gidwani是CSRHUB的CTO和联合创始人。金博宝手机版网页他已经建立和经营大型技术业务已有多年了。巴哈尔(Bahar)持有CFA,与基德(Kidder),皮博迪(Peabody)一起在华尔街(Wall Street)工作,并与麦肯锡公司(McKinsey&Co。Bahar)咨询了许多大型公司,目前在几家软件和网络公司的董事会中担任。他拥有哈佛商学院的MBA学位,并拥有物理和天文学的本科学位。他扮演桥梁,比赛帆船,并位于纽约市。


金博宝手机版网页CSRHUBoffers one of the world’s broadest and most consistent set of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) ratings, covering 20,000 companies. Its Big Data algorithm combines millions of data points on ESG performance from hundreds of sources, including leading ESG analyst raters, to produce consensus scores on all aspects of corporate social responsibility and sustainability. CSRHub ratings can be used to drive corporate, investor and consumer decisions. For more information, visitwww.CSRHub.com。金博宝手机版网页CSRHUB是B公司。