

吉娜·玛丽·芝士(Gina-Marie Cheeseman)


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - 10:00am





Although it has less than three years left, the company is optimistic it can meet its 2020 goal — an achievement P&G says will keep about 65,000 metric tons of waste out of landfills. That is equivalent to the weight of almost 350,000 mid-sized cars.

Manufacturing waste makes up about 95 percent of the waste P&G produces, with the remainder coming from its offices and tech center programs. The company works toward its 2020 goal by looking at waste through a new lens. As it states on its网站:“关键是不要将任何东西视为垃圾,而是具有潜在用途的材料。”


“We made a strategic decision in the late 1980s to ensure our packaging could be recovered, recycled and reused in our new packages,” Virginie Helias, global VP of sustainability for P&G, told TriplePundit. “We solicited help from multiple partners, built new supply chains and, most importantly, committed to using post-consumer recycled plastic in our bottles.”

How a partnership can help a company


p&g最近partnered与Terracycle和SUEZto produce a shampoo bottle made from up to 25 percent recycled beach plastic. The bottle of Head and Shoulders shampoo will debut this summer in French retailer Carrefour. And the rollout will eventually represent the world’s largest production of recyclable bottles made with post-consumer recycled beach plastic.

洗发水瓶的想法大约是一年前在瑞士达沃斯的世界经济论坛上,当时艾伦·麦克阿瑟基金会(Ellen MacArthur Foundation)挑战了宝洁(P&G)“推动更大的恢复和重复使用塑料”,Helias告诉我们。

P&G felt Head and Shoulders, the “the leading shampoo brand in sales,” should be the label to “lead in sustainability innovation,” Helias said.

The bottle is the “first major step in establishing a unique supply chain, strengthening the circular economy both in the [consumer packaged goods] industry and beyond for the significant amount of plastic waste in our ecosystem,” Helias explained.

P&G’s partnership with TerraCycle and SUEZ “brought about the largest solution to ocean plastic to date in terms of volume and percentage used in the package,” Tom Szaky, CEO and founder, TerraCycle told TriplePundit.


到2018年底,宝洁还将在欧洲超过50亿瓶装的货运后多达25%的塑料。这将占P&G在欧洲出售的所有P&G头发护理瓶中的90%以上。宝洁(P&G)在包装中使用了再生塑料已有25年以上 - 它在2016年使用了34,100公吨。Helias表示,该公司“致力于”使用后消费者的再生材料,并“通过提供一致的最终市场来帮助建立市场。”


根据John’s Refuse and Recycling,康涅狄格州的回收设施。

That’s something Microsoft knows all about. Its Redmond, Washington, dining facilities divert 99 percent of their waste from landfill — thanks in part to its use of compostable tableware and employees disposing of their waste properly. “Microsoft started nine years ago using compostable products and went to fully compostable dining ware in July 2008,” Mohan Reddy Guttapalem, Microsoft senior facilities manager, told TriplePundit.

Microsoft’s Redmond campus achieved gold-levelzero waste certificationfrom the U.S. Zero Waste Business Council. The company managed to divert at least 90 percent of its food, office and construction waste from landfills. And employee-driven reuse, recycling and composting programs helped the company reach its milestone.

Coping with plateaus and challenges


Microsoft stays on track by setting targets that overshoot its goals. “This allows us a bit of a buffer for those times when plateaus occur,” he explained.





Image credit:Stephen Brashear/Getty Images for Microsoft(press use only)


CATEGORY: Environment