
7月12日,2022年12:45 PM ET
医学博士Jonathan Sadeh,MSC
照片:医学博士Jonathan Sadeh,MSC

最初发表在Bristol Myers Squibb新闻与观点上

问:布里斯托尔·迈尔斯(Bristol Myers Squibb)采用哪种方法来开发免疫介导疾病的新疗法?

萨德:在Bristol Myers Squibb,我们正在建立一个基于突破性科学的投资组合,该投资组合满足了在风湿病,胃肠病学,皮肤病学和神经病学中患有免疫介导疾病的人未满足的需求。我们的方法始于对科学的深刻理解。我们进一步研究了免疫途径,以促进我们对它们如何影响不同免疫介导的疾病的理解。通过使用这种方法,我们旨在开发一种在受单一途径影响的各种疾病和治疗区域中具有潜力的药物。




萨德:We have made tremendous advances over the past 20 years in our understanding of the pathogenesis of immune-mediated diseases, which allows us to envision and then develop transformational therapies. The science and our understanding of the underlying biology of immune-mediated diseases have evolved, and we are now able to make an impact on patients’ lives in ways we could not have done in the past. As such, the field is now seeing therapies with significant symptom improvement and remission rates, and we are even beginning to talk about disease prevention and potential cures. Bristol Myers Squibb is leading the way in pursuing many of these scientific breakthroughs. We are transforming the way we develop treatments for patients with immune-mediated diseases and hoping to make a significant impact on this evolving field.



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