Pizza Hut Canada Sponsors Equal Slice Program to Provide Free Training, Education, and Mentorship to Underrepresented Canadian Small Business Owners

Pizza Hut Canada Sponsors Equal Slice Program to Provide Free Training, Education, and Mentorship to Underrepresented Canadian Small Business Owners




2021年8月3日,星期二 - 12:00 pm

马萨诸塞州罗克斯伯里(Roxbury),2021年8月3日,媒体 /加拿大披萨小屋已与竞争性内城(ICIC)的倡议提供一项免费的高管教育和虚拟培训计划,旨在帮助加强和发展少数民族,移民,土著和残疾人拥有的小型企业。

Through this strategic partnership, dubbed Pizza Hut’s Equal Slice Program, a cohort of ICIC’s Inner City Capital Connections (ICCC) program— a tuition-free, 40-hour “mini-MBA” program that combines executive education, webinars, and coaching delivered by top-ranking university professors and local experts— is being offered to small business owners across Canada. The Equal Slice Program is now accepting applications from businesses in underrepresented communities for the ICCC Canada cohort that begins in late September.

“披萨小屋存在于我们的特许网络上建立的企业家精神的基础上,每家餐厅都汇集了各种各样的员工团队,” Pizza Hut Canada总经理Tatiana Carrascal说。“在披萨小屋,我们相信我们可以为每个人都建立生活中公平和平等的切片体系。这就是为什么我们与竞争性内城市的倡议合作,使来自不同背景的企业家有机会实现自己的梦想。我们新的平等切片计划为代表性不足的小企业主免费提供了免费的资本,教练和能力建设教育。Pizza Hut致力于为加拿大各地的这些杰出人士提供财务补助,教育工具和支持。通过该计划,我们致力于支持我们社区中代表性不足的企业家的增长,并为每个人提供平等的机会。”


“The Inner City Capital Connections program aims to create sustainable small business ecosystems in which their owners prosper, helping to reduce concentrated poverty, close the racial wealth gap, and revitalize communities,” said ICIC CEO Steve Grossman. “We are excited to announce our new partnership with Pizza Hut Canada on the Equal Slice Program that is extending the reach of our impactful executive educational programming beyond the U.S. and for the first time delivering ICCC resources to underrepresented small business owners across Canada.”

Entrepreneurs accepted into the Equal Slice Program will participate in 40 hours of high-impact virtual learning that is divided into four components designed to maximize each participant’s experience and accommodate their busy schedules. The ICCC Canada cohort opens with two half-day seminars on the afternoons of September 21英石and 23。在整个计划中,参与者参与网络研讨会,数字学习会议和一对一的商业教练约会,以应对每个企业主面临的直接挑战。该计划以虚拟全国会议的高潮为顶点,该会议的重点是建立弹性战略并将参与者与资本提供者联系起来。

The application deadline for the ICCC 2021 Canada cohort is Friday, September 3。Visit ICIC’s website for additional detail about the Equal Slice Program and ICCC including eligibility criteria and applications:


Pizza Hut is proud to be one of Canada's largest pizza restaurant chains with over 500 locations locally. Globally Pizza Hut is the world's largest pizza restaurant company with more than 18,000 restaurants in over 100 countries. No matter where you find a Pizza Hut, they are making sure each meal customers enjoy is safe, delicious, and unmistakably Pizza Hut.

Pizza Hut,Inc。是百胜的子公司!Brands,Inc。(NYSE:YUM)。渴望获得更多信息?查看,,,,,,,,


The Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) was founded by renowned Harvard Business School Professor Michael Porter in 1994 as a research and strategy organization that today is widely recognized as the preeminent authority on urban economic growth. ICIC drives inclusive economic prosperity in under-resourced communities through innovative research and programs to create jobs, income, and wealth for local residents.

Inner City Capital Connections(ICCC)是一项由ICIC设计的免学费执行领导培训计划,旨在帮助资源不足的社区中的企业主增长可持续增长的收入,盈利能力和就业能力。ICCC旨在为可持续增长提供三个关键要素:能力建设教育,一对一的教练以及与资本和资本提供者的联系。


类别: 教育