PNC Bank Celebrates 12th Annual Women in Business Week: Accelerating Women's Financial Equality

PNC Bank Celebrates 12th Annual Women in Business Week: Accelerating Women's Financial Equality

Weeklong Lineup of Virtual Events Aims to Engage, Inform Female Financial Decision Makers



CONTENT: Press Release

PITTSBURGH, April 26, 2022 /3BL Media/ – PNC Bank is proud to announce its 12th annualWomen in Business Week: Accelerating Women’s Financial Equality,将于2022年5月9日至13日举行。

Through this annual event, PNC provides female financial decision makers – from business owners and executives to women who may be managing their finances for the first time – with an opportunity to glean valuable insights, intended to help support the long-term financial health of their families and businesses alike.

今年的阵容包括七个引人入胜且内容丰富的活动,由主题演讲者Stephanie Cartin和Courtney Spritzer,Entreprenista的联合创始人以及数字和有影响力的代理机构Socialfly担任主题演讲者Stephanie Cartin和Courtney Spritzer,他们将分享他们如何发展业务并为女性建立强大的网络社区。188bet网址怎么打不开

“This year’s webcasts draw on our relationships with companies and organizations across the country who are aligned in the mission to accelerate women’s financial equality and close the economic gender gap,” says Beth Marcello, head of PNC’s Women’s Business Development. “According to the World Economic Forum’s 2020 Global Gender Gap Report, if progress continued at its current pace, it would still take women another 257 years to catch up economically to men. That’s not fast enough for us, which is why we launched项目257℠去年。我们的《商业周刊》演讲者将提供与性别差距有关的各种主题的经验和见解,从企业家精神和个人投资到心脏健康。”

Women in Business Week is just one example of PNC’s commitment to continually engage, enlighten, attract and retain clients and employees who identify as women. The bank has supported female financial decision makers for more than 20 years, and its Women’s Business Development practice was officially established in 2000 to reflect its recognition of the increasing impact of women as decision makers and influencers.

PNC还提供了一个由4,000多个PNC认证的妇女企业倡导者组成的国家网络,并支持组织,例如sheoand the Women Presidents Organization, which mentor and advocate for women entrepreneurs and executives. Through these efforts, PNC strives to bring women together through interesting and informative programs, focusing on financial wellness and empowerment for customers and non-customers alike. To learn more about PNC’s women’s business advocacy,




Kick off the week in conversation with the third-generation, woman-owned business that helped the world survive the pandemic.

  • GOJO执行董事Marcella Kanfer Rolnick
  • Carey Jaros,Gojo首席执行官
  • Moderator:PNC区域总裁Akron Joe Luckring

1 pm ET: Radical Generosity: Changing the World for Entrepreneurs
Learn how a no-interest loan and SheEO Activators are accelerating financial equality for two entrepreneurs.

  • Wanona Satcher,Makhers Studio首席执行官和2021 Sheeo Venture
  • Danielle Ruttenberg,备注Glass和2022 Sheeo Venture的联合创始人
  • Sheo的Ventures总监Susie Pan
  • Moderator:Mariko Blakely, PNC relationship manager and SheEO activator

From dance theaters to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, women are the star performers in the arts and culture economy.

  • Liz Peschges,摇滚名人堂和博物馆的文化与战略副总裁
  • 达拉斯黑舞剧院执行董事Zenetta Drew
  • 圣路易斯区域艺术委员会总裁兼首席执行官Vanessa Cooksey
  • Moderator:PNC地区总裁PNC办公室参谋长Kristen Baird Adams

1 pm ET: Women Moving Markets: A Force for Social Change
This panel discussion will address how leading women are using finance as a tool for promoting equity and social impact.

  • Tracy Palandjian, CEO and co-founder, Social Finance
  • Betty Francisco, CEO, Boston Impact Initiative, Entrepreneur & Angel Investor, Pipeline Angels
  • Moderator:波士顿环球队首席执行官琳达·亨利(Linda Henry)

Wednesday, May 11

  • PNC商业信贷信用主管Lynne Herndon
  • Brenasia Ward-Caldwell,PNC Enterprise技术与安全云安全分析师
  • Melodie Roach, vice president and financial adviser, PNC Investments
  • Moderator:PNC零售解决方案和设计副总裁Jennifer Daurora

Thursday, May 12
1 pm ET: The Strength of We: Friends, Followers and Confidantes
Keynote Speakers Stephanie Cartin and Courtney Spritzer, co-founders of Entreprenista and the digital and influencer agency Socialfly, share how they grew their business and built a powerful networking community for women.

  • Moderator:Alex Overstrom, head of PNC Small Business

Friday, May 13
11 am ET: The Heart of Women's Healthcare

  • Bhawanjit Brar, Ph. D, CEO and founder, Jaan Biotherapeutics
  • Indu Poornima,医学博士,预防性心脏病学和妇女心脏中心主任,Allegheny Health Network
  • Lisa Iadicicco, executive director, Women in Bio
  • Moderator:PNC金融服务集团总审计师CPA Stacy Juchno188bet上不了

全国协会PNC银行是PNC Financial Services Group,Inc。(NYSE:PNC)的成员。188bet上不了PNC是美国最大的多元化金融服务机构之一,围绕其客户和社区组织,以牢固的关系以及零售和商业银行业188bet上不了务的本地交付,包括各种贷款产品;公司和政府实体的专业服务188bet上不了,包括公司银行,房地产融资和基于资产的贷款;财富管理和资产管理。有关PNC的信息,请访问

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