PNC Continues to Advance Its Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility

PNC Continues to Advance Its Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility

PNC’s 2016 Corporate Social Responsibility report highlights the bank’s progress in addressing key sustainability issues.
2017年3月24日,星期五 - 上午8:05


PNC’s focus on operating with integrity drives the company to help customers achieve their goals while also strengthening its communities, reducing its environmental impact and empowering employees to grow.


This commitment, which is reflected throughout PNC’s 2016 Corporate Social Responsibility report, can be found across all areas and levels of the organization:


PNC recognizes environmental issues are changing and businesses must adapt. For example, PNC no longer lends to coal producers with anything more than a minimal exposure to mountaintop removal mining. The company also prohibits construction financing of single-site coal-fired power plants that lack the most advanced environmental control processes.


企业和机构银行业务负责人迈克·里昂斯(Mike Lyons)表示:“随着PNC提高了环境贷款的尽职调查,我们注意到越来越多的公司对环境敏感的业务改善了自己的业务实践。”“我们必须掌握行业正在发生的事情的脉搏,特别是与可持续性趋势,利益相关者的需求和潜在的新风险有关。”金博宝怎么注册


PNC is working to reduce energy and water consumption, as well as carbon emissions by 30 percent by 2020 as part of its commitment to environmental responsibility. PNC also supports the transition to a low-carbon economy by helping clients finance environmentally beneficial activities. In 2015 and 2016, PNC's sustainable financing totaled more than $5 billion, supporting renewable energy, energy efficiency, mass transit and green construction.


Net-Zero Energy Branch


在LEED认证的项目中,有PNC位于佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡的净零能源分支机构,该分支在2016年获得了国际生活未来研究所的净Zero Energy Certification的认可。在短短的一年内,这个分支机构 - 世界上获得这一认可的第16大楼和第一个零售地点 - 产生了足够的电力,可以在一年内为七个房屋供电。


One of the largest components of PNC’s sustainable finance efforts is underwriting municipal bonds that drive greater efficiency and pollution control. This includes both traditional bonds and designated “green bonds.” In 2016, PNC became a signatory to the Green Bond Principles, guidelines managed by the International Capital Markets Association that prescribe best practices for underwriting and issuing green bonds.

Responsible Investments

PNC Asset Management Group manages a Responsible Investing platform. Customers can choose investment strategies that consider financial returns as well as environmental, social and governance impacts.


多样性区分了组织,并导致更大的创新。PNC首席执行官Bill Demchak理解这一点,因为他亲自经历了它。“我非常坚信,如果我们组建最好的团队,那么在技能和经验方面,它将是多种多样的。在此过程中,它将随着年龄,性别,种族和其他因素而多样化。多样性是组建最佳团队的结果,而不是目标本身。”

Marsha Jones, chief diversity officer, explains, “Our program, which looks at diversity from a workforce, workplace and marketplace perspective, has helped enhance collaboration among business partners and identify opportunities for growth.”

PNC supports the following inclusive practices, among others:

Women & Minority-Owned Business

PNC provides training, services and products that help small business owners succeed.

“It is now more important than ever before to focus on the diverse segments of our customer base,” said Jones. “While we already are seeing significant growth in this area, I expect it to become an increasingly important part of our business.”



4. Grow Up Great


作为这项承诺的一部分,PNC鼓励员工通过为志愿服务提供带薪休假来参与长大。自2004年以来,员工已经记录了超过650,000个志愿者小时,并捐赠了超过520万美元的赠款,这使PNC员工在一个合格的早期教育非营利组织中,在12个月的时间内志愿服务至少40个小时,以捐赠1,000美元的$ 1,000授予该非营利组织。


Learn more about PNC’sEnvironmental and Social Risk Management程序 ”