PNC Hosts “Understanding Black Identity in Modern America” With Journalist Michele Norris on Feb. 9
Join PNC Diversity & Inclusion for a Black History Month event featuring Michele Norris, Founding Director of the Race Card Project, which sparks moving conversations about race and identity. Hear from an award-winning journalist and the first Black female radio host for NPR, as Michele engages in a productive dialogue about race, culture, and the modern Civil Rights movement in America.
开幕词:迈克尔·比克斯(Michael Bickers)底特律地区总裁和密歇根州东南部PNC银行
迈克尔·G·比克斯(Michael G. Bickers)is Regional President for PNC Bank in Detroit and Southeast Michigan. Prior to being named to his current role in March 2022, Bickers served as Midwest Territory Manager for PNC’s Retail Bank, responsible for leading the branch network and partner teams throughout the region.
Bickers has served on the Business School Advisory Council of Oakland University’s Business School in Rochester Hills, Michigan. He also has served on PNC's Corporate Talent and Diversity Council. Bickers earned his bachelor’s degree from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, and holds an MBA in Business Administration.
Presenter: Michele Norris屡获殊荣的新闻工作者“赛车项目”的创始董事
屡获殊荣的记者,也是广播中最知名的声音之一米歇尔·诺里斯(Michele Norris)engages audiences in candid discussion about race, culture and communication in America.
在诺里斯(Norris)的成就职业生涯中,她促进有关种族对话的努力导致了她广受好评的书,沉默的恩典:回忆录. She received accolades for a Peabody Award-winning initiative, "The Race Card Project," which fosters conversation among individuals about their differences. Norris was previously the director of "The Bridge"—the Aspen Institute's program on race, cultural identity and inclusion—which addresses some of America's most complex issues by encouraging people to explore and engage with differing perspectives.
Moderator: Mark AllenHead of Retail Bank Operations PNC Bank
马克·艾伦在Comcast Cable工作了15年后,2018年加入了PNC。他的职责包括零售银行业务中存款产品的后台运营,财务和战略绩效。他的2500名员工组织包括AML运营,生产运营,业务运营,业务信息管理以及绩效管理专业人员团队,这些专业人员正在领导该组织的端到端流程映射,运营分析和智能自动化工作。
马克(Mark)是PNC公司多元化委员会领导标准小组委员会主席,并且是PNC黑人领导人论坛的执行赞助商。马克从宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院获得MBA学位,并拥有Morehouse College的工商管理学士学位。马克位于费城,并居住在费城。
Closing Remarks: Miranda Creel财政部管理商业销售主管PNC银行
米兰达·克里尔(Miranda Creel)has 35 years of progressive experience and responsibility in banking with PNC including predecessor National City Bank. She currently holds the position of Executive Vice President of Commercial Sales leading the Treasury Management professionals covering the United States.
米兰达(Miranda)毕业于鲍德温·华莱士(Baldwin Wallace College),并获得了经过认证的财政专业认证。她是大克利夫兰城市联盟的现任董事会成员,也是该商业志愿无限的董事会成员,YWCA,大克利夫兰的初级成就和城市年。