

Chris Famolare,德国达姆施塔特默克KGAA生命科学商业领域的可持续运营负责人
Tuesday, August 16, 2022 - 8:30am

活动:Sustainable Operations

CONTENT: Article

可持续实践 - 减少温室气体排放,降低资源和用水量以及改善废物管理实践 - 可以帮助公司积极解决其环境影响。但是,通过虚拟购买协议(VPPA)瞄准可再生能源的能源可以大大减少公司在其运营中的碳足迹,同时促进和支持可再生能源行业,以实现更绿色的未来。

证明VPPA的环境影响,MilliporeSigma, the U.S. and Canada Life Science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, has matched 100% of its U.S. electricity consumption with renewable energy by participating in one of the largest buyer-organized aggregation deals in the world: a 12-year, off-site,VPPA使用enel绿色力量。该聚合中包括Milliporesigma,Uber,Akamai和Syropsis,它们共同签约了350 MW项目的111 MW。

Virtual Power Purchase Agreement Aligns with the Company’s Sustainability Strategy

The Life Science business sector of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany is a global organization with more than 300,000 high-quality products and 26,000 employees across more than 66 countries. The company understands how important it is to manage its environmental impact, work toward its greenhouse gas reduction targets, and sustain those gains for years to come. One component of our sustainability strategy is to reduce our范围1和2greenhouse gas emissions by 50% and source 80% of our electricity from renewable options by 2030. Furthermore, we aim to achieve climate neutrality by 2040 across Scope 1, 2 and 3. This VPPA, now operational, directly contributes to the company’s renewable electricity goal.



This enables MilliporeSigma to match the operations of our U.S. manufacturing, distribution, and services sites with renewable electricity—providing customers with greener products and solutions that align with and help advance their own sustainability goals and values.





  • Determining what kind of renewable energy claims your company wants to make
  • 了解您的能源消耗及其相关的排放,按地区和位置确定高优先级领域
  • 了解您所在地区存在的法规
  • 确定可能有哪些本地选项,并将这些选项与电力购买协议,VPPA或其他协议进行比较
  • 定义您的策略和方法,并确保它们与您的业务目标和风险需求保持一致。
