新加坡,5月26日,2022/ 3BL媒体/ -精密健康研究,新加坡(精确),实施新加坡国家精密医学(NPM)战略的中央实体,Illumina,基因组技术领导者,Inc(Illumina)今天宣布了战略合作伙伴关系,以进行顺序和分析100,000个新加坡全基因组(SG100K),首次创建东南亚最全面的人口研究。
2. Precision Medicine has been identified by Singapore’s Ministry of Health as one of the potential innovative approaches to transform healthcare and address healthcare challenges, and also by the National Research Foundation, Singapore (NRF) as a strategic goal of the Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) 2025 plan to transform and protect the health of Singaporeans. PRECISE, funded by NRF, collaborates with Singapore research and clinical partners to implement and coordinate this effort nationally.
3. SG100K项目由公开基金支持 - 大型合作Grant1,将涉及100,000名同意的新加坡参与者,包括中国,马来语和印度人,代表在整个亚洲80%的人口。