Preventing Diabetes and Improving Health Outcomes Across New Mexico

Presbyterian Medical Services
Dec 20, 2022 12:25 PM ET
an elderly person sitting outside, a blanket wrapped around their shoulders

Originally published in Quest Diagnostics' Quest for Health Equity 2021 In Revi…

Presbyterian Medical Services(PMS) is an FQHC that delivers integrated healthcare, education, and services to address the needs of diverse communities across the Southwest, with a specific focus on Native American populations. PMS serves more than 9,000 patients with diabetes across New Mexico. Of those patients, one-third are not adequately managing their conditions, and are therefore at risk of developing life-threatening complications.

With Q4HE’s support, PMS is implementing the New Mexico Diabetes Prevention Action Plan, a comprehensive plan to provide intervention and support services for individuals living with diabetes. The Action Plan’s certified diabetes educators provide counseling for tribal and other community members newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as well as for existing patients with uncontrolled diabetes. Follow-up services are provided in person, over the phone, and virtually to better monitor patients, address questions, and ensure medication compliance. This can include regular screenings for blood pressure, BMI, and general health to monitor HbA1c levels and make referrals for additional treatment if necessary. Additionally, PMS provides supplies including home-monitoring glucometers to enable patients to monitor and report their glucose levels more regularly.

Preventive services are crucial to help patients manage their health before conditions like diabetes develop, so PMS also provides counseling and educational resources for individuals with prediabetic symptoms.

“Adult diabetes tends to be highest among Native Americans and Hispanics across our service area, and early diagnosis, education, and continuing chronic care follow-up are key factors in reducing this health disparity. The number of uncontrolled diabetes patients has also increased in the past year partly due to reduced clinic visits and lifestyle changes caused by COVID. By partnering with Quest for Health Equity, PMS can expand access to diabetes education programs and home monitoring systems. This will create pathways for consistent health education and awareness, resulting in healthy habits and long-term positive impacts in underserved populations.”

Lisa StephensGrants and Contracts Manager, Presbyterian Medical Services

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