11年前,安妮特·弗里斯科普(Annette Friskopp3D打印的鼻拭子,用于COVID-19测试,推进生物生产商帮助寻找新的疫苗和药物疗法或创建zero-gravity printerfor astronauts’ research on theInternational Space Station。
As the executive sponsor for HP’sGlobal Pride Business Impact Network她在全球HP办事处代表了17个本地骄傲垃圾箱,她通过举办季度会议来帮助放大公司LGBTQ+员工的声音,在这些会议上,其他网络的其他成员都可以分享最具挑战性的问题并夸大他们的胜利。作为工作场所倡导小组的董事会成员Out & EqualFriskopp有助于在行业中传播最佳实践。
“I’m privileged to be out and visible,” she said. With that privilege comes a “call to action” to speak out on behalf of those who can’t. And with a recent spate ofanti-LGBTQ+ legislation在全国各地成为头条新闻,她认为倡导现在更加重要。
你的书直接工作,同性恋生活exploring the experiences of gay and lesbian professionals was published in 1996. How do you think workplaces have changed since then?
I thought we would actually be further along by now. Data shows that美国近一半的LGBTQ员工仍在工作中封闭。令我震惊的是,我们没有取得更大的进步,人们没有觉得自己可以将自己的全部自我带到美国的工作场所。仍然有一个假设,每个人都是异性恋,每个人都是二进制的,因此LGBTQ+人们必须继续出来。而且,有太多的教育对社区的其他成员都没有滴滴。188bet网址怎么打不开
The mission of Out & Equal is to create a “culture of belonging for all.” What steps do you think businesses should adopt to achieve that?
最好的做法是高层管理人员真正倾听他们的员工,这是惠普的表现。公司可以做的另一件事是拥有盟友,人力资源代表和LGBTQ+员工参加[O&E]工作场所峰会。Yes, I’m on the board of Out & Equal, so I’m biased, but I think there’s a wealth of information that companies can learn there. It could be: how to foster an employee resource group; how to have difficult conversations; how you can create gender-neutral bathrooms; or what you need to do to support your trans employees.
Not only are they important for LGBTQ+ employees, but the data has shown that younger employees entering the workforce are looking to companies to see what kind of inclusive efforts they have. New entrants are choosing where they want to work based on inclusion practices.
A key message I want people to understand is that it’s about equity, not about taking anything away from anyone else. It’s about, “How do we make workplaces that are truly inclusive for everyone?” Intersectionality, or finding common ground, is so important.
Everyone has to recognize that they have something to learn from others. The only way that we’re going to have our employees come to work and fully thrive and contribute to their teams is if we understand where they’re at, what issues they’re facing, and then try to address those. I think that’s what every employee wants, right? They want to have a job where they’re challenged and they’re able to grow and show off their best talents. As managers, we have to create an opportunity for that to happen.