Principal® Charity Classic Sets Charitable Giving Record in 2022

Annual PGA TOUR Champions event raised more than $8.2 million for Iowa children’s charities, announces new sustainability initiative
Oct 4, 2022 10:00 AM ET

爱荷华州得梅因市,2022年10月4日,媒体 / -首席慈善经典announced its 2022 tournament raised more than $8.2 million in support of Iowa children’s charities, surpassing the event’s previous record of $7.3 million set in 2021. The annual PGA TOUR Champions event in Des Moines has now raised more than $45.6 million for Iowa children’s charities since Principal Financial Group®became the title sponsor in 2007.Watch the 2022 recap video here

“We continue to see overwhelming generosity from our sponsors, volunteers, and spectators,” said Dan Houston, chairman, president, and chief executive officer at Principal®。“今年比赛的影响将对爱荷华州的年轻人产生持久影响。除了世界一流的高尔夫球外,我每年最喜欢的比赛是遇到一些从这个精彩的社区活动中受益的孩子。188bet网址怎么打不开我感到非常自豪,我们有机会支持我们的慈善合作伙伴的努力。”

主要的慈善经典会影响13万爱荷华州儿童在教育,健康,艺术和文化领域的生活。锦标赛收益为四个Tournament Charity Partners在得梅因地区:空白儿童医院,Mercyone儿童医院,爱荷华州中部联合之路以及爱荷华州儿童慈善机构。此外,活动的慈善的小鸟计划在整个爱荷华州支持近90个非营利组织。

“这项破纪录的捐赠是对得梅因社区以及我们当地和地区公司社区和高尔夫迷的真实证明,”首席慈善经典董事会主席肯·麦卡卢姆(Ken McCull188bet网址怎么打不开um)说。“今年,我们很高兴欢迎粉丝回到瓦肯达俱乐部,在那里,超过58,000名球迷填补了画廊,享受了最先进的酒店场所,并为期一周的活动时间表有助于推动慈善的努力。”

今年的比赛提供了又一次戏剧性的结束,杰里·凯利(Jerry Kelly)在第18洞突然死亡的季后赛中击败了柯克·特里普特(Kirk Triplett)。胜利是凯利(Kelly)在2022年PGA巡回冠军赛季的第二场胜利。

New tournament sustainability initiative announced

Just in time forSustainable Golf Week在10月3日开始的,首席慈善经典也正在宣布努力努力获得高尔夫环境组织(GEO)锦标赛认证。“GEO Certified” is a comprehensive modern certification, developed to the highest credibility standard, to help golf facilities, developments, and tournaments demonstrate and be recognized for their environmental and social responsibility.

“Principal Charity Classic organizers engaged a sustainability consultant to provide year-round support to create zero-waste practices, promote civic and corporate stakeholder engagement, and perform a comprehensive tournament sustainability audit,” said McCullum. “The next step is to develop an action plan to capture sustainability metrics going forward to advance these efforts.”


About the Principal Charity Classic

The Principal Charity Classic is an annual and award-winning PGA TOUR Champions event dedicated to investing in the future of Iowa kids. In 2022, the Principal Charity Classic raised a record $8.2 million for charity, bringing the tournament’s giving total to more than $45.6 million since 2007. Tournament funds benefit organizations that provide a broad level of support to Iowa kids in the areas of education and culture, financial security and stability, and health and wellness.

For more information,, or connect with the tournament on social media:, Twitter@pcctourney,和Instagram@PrincipalcharityClassic


PGA巡回赛冠军是一个50岁及以上专业高尔夫球手的会员组织,其中34名世界高尔夫名人堂成员。这次旅行的任务是为其球员提供财务机会,娱乐和激发其粉丝,为其合作伙伴带来巨大的价值,为志愿者提供回馈的渠道,并对锦标赛社区产生重大的慈善和经济影响。在线关注PGA巡回赛冠军, or on social media:,Twitter@championstour,和Instagram@pgatourchampions

About Principal Financial Group®

主要金融集团®(NASDAQ:PFG)是一家全球金融公司,有18,500名员工1热衷于改善人民和企业的财富和福祉。在业务中超过140年,我们正在帮助超过5400万客户1plan, protect, invest, and retire, while working to support the communities where we do business, and build a diverse, inclusive workforce. Principal®很荣幸能被公认为是美国100家最可持续的公司之一2, a member of the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index, and a Top 10 “Best Places to Work in Money Management3。”了解有关校长的更多信息以及我们致力于建立更美好未来的承诺

1As of June 30, 2022
2Barron’s, 2022

Unless otherwise noted, companies and organizations mentioned are not affiliates of any member company of the Principal Financial Group®

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