







PROMOTING OPPORTUNITY, GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT     The Fourth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) has brought together governments, civil society and the private sector in a unique forum to exchange ideas and recommendations to address the pressing need to promote opportunity, growth and development in the LDCs. The private sector is poised to build on the strong economic growth in many LDCs in the last few years and is convinced that substantial private investment will flow to the countries that can establish conducive business environments and a level playing field. To that end, the private sector offers the following recommendations:   I.            Commit to Growth and Opportunity   The LDCs hold enormous potential to become more prosperous, globally competitive economies. But in order to realize that potential, each country needs to commit to promoting growth and opportunity, take control of its own development and ensure national ownership of the development process. Economic development must be home grown and reflect its history, culture, circumstances and context. This commitment to growth and opportunity is the first step for promoting business confidence.188bet上不了支持创业和私有企业开放市场和私有企业对开发至关重要。 没有其他人类活动匹配私有企业集合人民、资本和创新能力以创造生产性就业并生产有利润的商品和服务 — — 财富创造源头。 最不发达国家需要鼓励并扶持负责任和可持续的企业、创业和中小型企业并确保所有企业公平竞争场III.            Establish a Conducive Operating Environment   All forms of private enterprise – domestic markets, foreign investment and international trade – require an operating environment conducive to growth and development, including: peace and stability, the rule of law, good governance with accountability and transparency, the absence of corruption, adequate infrastructure, an educated workforce, clear property rights and enforceable contracts. As the top priorities, LDC's must work to establish peace and stamp out endemic corruption where they exist. Creating the right conditions for private enterprise may require strategic reforms to long-standing regulatory practices and may challenge the economic, political and social status quo of an economy, but doing so is absolutely essential to unlocking the full potential of private enterprise and open markets in a way that can promote economic growth, environmental protection and social development.IV.            Promote Domestic Markets and Capital Formation   For most countries – developed and developing – the main source of economic growth and job creation is a competitive domestic market and particularly the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises. Nurturing and supporting domestic growth should be central to any development effort. LDC's need to set the right framework to encourage domestic savings and investment, including stable macroeconomic policies that limit capital flight, reliable government data on market conditions, sound information disclosure practices and clear and efficient regulatory frameworks for doing business that reduce informality (getting a license, hiring workers, obtaining permits and paying taxes). In order to increase access to capital, LDC's should promote domestic stock exchanges and bond markets, and support capital market information flows.基础设施、连通性与劳动力开发铁路、高速公路以及信息和通信技术等交通通信基本工具投资是区域和国际市场、供应链和价值链之间的基本链路。 公私基础设施投资间更好的协调可以对发展援助产生倍增效应。 竞争经济也需要受过良好教育的劳动力获取先进技能、培训与差异化知识,最不发达国家应建设科学、技术、工程和数学教育资源及职业技能培训能力。六. 鼓励外国投资最不发达国家通过促进内向型外国投资来补充开发国内市场的努力,两者都要求相同的有利运营环境 外国投资是资本的重要源以及提高国内市场竞争力和生产率,也是国内企业创造大量二级就业的来源,鉴于外国投资多面向较大的国内消费市场,较小的最不发达国家应促进区域一体化,以创建吸引更多外国投资的更大区域市场开放国内市场对于发展至关重要,开放国际市场对于实现最不发达国家增长潜力也至关重要 作为优先事项,所有政府应努力减少贸易壁垒并尽早成功结束多哈发展回合 最不发达国家还应努力开发区域和南南贸易 最不发达国家应投资于交通基础设施,提高海关和过境系统的效率和透明度八. 政府、私营部门和民间社会之间的有效伙伴关系对处理复杂和相互关联的挑战特别有用,这些伙伴关系证明在没有一个单一行为体能单手成功处理问题的领域至关重要,私营部门承认伙伴关系的力量并越来越多地率先启动这些伙伴关系188bet网址怎么打不开国际社会应协调发展援助,确保受援国充分感受到援助的影响,并投资帮助最不发达国家建立有利于创业和私营企业的运营环境,除财政援助外,国际社会应为有效开发制定适当相关奖励和基准,促进最不发达国家积极分享成功努力的信息私营部门随时准备与政府和其他行为方合作,推进这些建议并实现最不发达国家的全部潜力。