Brett Glowacki高级副转让定价(费城,PA)
第三天:冒险今天,学生和员工装上摇摇晃晃的,黄色校车伯利兹银行实地考察和大学的伯利兹(乌兰巴托)参与一个实际应用的一些概念,我们在教室里教。分行经理,一旦在伯利兹银行,同时也是两个孩子的母亲在我们组,谈到一些银行提供的相关服务包括储蓄、信用卡、消费贷款以及银行带着我们参观。188bet上不了加强储蓄的价值甚至少量的钱,银行的官员告诉学生们,如果他们放弃了每天一个苏打水,他们可以节省每天2美元和高中结束时他们会近3000美元BZ足以支付他们在大学的第一年。天的第二站是一个教学楼在乌兰巴托。招生官员讨论了验收要求和什么样的课程的学生应该学习特定的职业,比如生物课为了成为一名医生。这时,一个代表教育部提出了一些奖学金学生的机会。然后在乌兰巴托的一个教授给他的个人账户的努力实现目标,甚至在美国获得硕士和博士学位。我非常印象深刻的准备行为的孩子,聪明的他们问的问题在整个演示。在下午,我们举办了一场竞赛,以早上复习我们学过的。孩子们肯定喜欢游戏和竞争。 Before the game began, each team created a team name and flag. My favorite was the team: Go Unstoppable Pirates! Arrgh! Between working together in the competition, lunch, and college application activity, I felt the team grow closer and the bonds grow tighter. In addition to the educational goals of the eight students in my small group, I also learned about their families, their favorite hobbies, and their dreams. For example, one energetic girl named Chelsea wants to study law at the University of West Indies in Jamaica and then come back to Belize as a female politician. I have greatly enjoyed getting to know these kids and sharing experiences back and forth. I hope that we have exposed them to some new opportunities and that they will carry forward the ideas and lessons into the future. PWC15387