PSEG Celebrates Juneteenth

PSEG Celebrates Juneteenth


照片:Junteenth Flag是由激进主义者本·海斯(Ben Haith)于1997年创建的。

2022年6月23日,星期四 - 上午10:00

June 19 marks Juneteenth, a national holiday commemorating the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States and celebrating African American freedom and achievement.

在PSEG,我们相信Junteenth今天与1865年首次庆祝的时候一样重要,即联盟陆军少将戈登·格兰杰(Gordon Granger)少将乘坐德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿(Galveston),并告诉奴隶的解放。


6月份的旗帜是由激进主义者本·海斯(Ben Haith)于1997年创建的。

PSEG’s Pan-African Leadership Forum (ProLiFic EBRG) is working with our local Black professional employee business resource chapters, senior leaders and community stakeholders to create events and opportunities for dialogue, capacity-building and advocacy designed to highlight the stories of the community and keep the memory of why Juneteenth began alive.

PSEG Enterprise DEI经理Janeen Johnson说:“随着公司和个人在大流行之后的新常态下运作,重要的是要确保我们的言语的种族平等不会被我们的行为掩盖。”“过去和现在的社区的故事都需要得到强调。188bet网址怎么打不开我为PSEG做得很好,并且是叙事的一部分而感到自豪。”

PSEG首席人力资源和首席多样性官Sheila Rostiac表示同意,并认为最重要的资源公司必须解决其劳动力中种族不平等的问题。

“So much of the progress we are making culturally at PSEG has come from taking painful lessons of the past to make a better future,” Rostiac said. “A great deal of those lessons are coming from the voices and experiences of our own employees. Through their engagement and candor, they are informing who we are, the type of workplace we want and need to be, and the role we play in the communities we serve.”

Did You Know:

  • 内战后100年,在美国通过民权立法,为美国公民提供非洲血统平等权利。
  • 在首次庆祝的近156年之后,2019年宣布了156年的联邦假期。
  • On June 17, 2021, President Joe Biden signed a bill securing June 19 as an official federal holiday.
  • 红食品和饮料(例如草莓苏打水)已成为Junteenth庆祝活动的代名词,作为在朝着自由之旅中被奴役的人们散发出的血液的象征。

Championing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at PSEG and Beyond



We also are committed to supporting diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within our communities by investing in and developing diverse suppliers and partnering with community leaders and nonprofits to address deeply rooted barriers to economic prosperity, equity and social justice.
