PSEG Named to Dow Jones Sustainability Index for 15th Consecutive Year and to Newsweek's America's Most Responsible Companies 2023 List

2022年12月21日10:15 AM ET ET


NEWARK, N.J., December 21, 2022 /3BL Media/ - Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) has been named to both the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and Newsweek’s America’s Most Responsible Companies 2023 list. These prestigious recognitions further demonstrate PSEG’s ongoing commitment to sustainable and ethical practices and action across environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria.

PSEG总裁兼首席执行官拉尔夫·拉罗萨(Ralph Larossa)说:“在PSEG,我金博宝怎么注册们知道对可持续性和劳动力的明智投资对我们的客户,社区和公司有益。”“由于我们将道琼斯可持续发展指数和新闻周刊作为美国最负责任的公司之一的纳入我们,我们金博宝怎么注册很荣幸我们对ESG的承诺继续得到认可。”

PSEG连续第15年被任命为北美道琼斯可持续发展指数。金博宝怎么注册The DJSI recognizes forward-thinking companies based on an appraisal of the company’s strategy, management and performance in dealing with opportunities and risks deriving from ESG factors, based on a comprehensive review of environmental performance, innovation management, corporate governance, risk management, stakeholder engagement and talent attraction and retention. The DJSI 2022 announcement is在线可用

由Newsweek和Statista Inc.提出的美国最负责任的公司是根据CSR报告,可持续性报告和其他报告以及独立调查的公开可用的关键绩效指标(KPI)选择的。金博宝怎么注册金博宝手机版网页

Highlights of PSEG’s commitment to ESG include the following.


  • 我们的vision for net-zero carbon emissions(范围1和2)到2030年。
  • 我们在PSE&G的能源效率计划上扩展了10亿美元,以帮助客户减少能源的使用并节省资金,这应该通过减少新泽西州的碳足迹并创造4,000多个清洁能源工作,从而有助于改善空气质量和公共卫生。


  • 对供应商多样性的承诺,实现了我们的30%支出,分配给了两年的时间。
  • 致力于意识到LGBTQ+对员工运动的关注,称为“所有人接受”。尊重所有人。包括所有人。”这包括PSEG的LGBTQ+包容性承诺,为管理人员和团队提供资源指南,以帮助他们支持跨性别同事的政策,语言和指导,以及所有员工选择其性别,性取向和首选代词的机会。
  • Support for women in the workplace with our Women in Skilled Trades Initiative and Inclusive Workspace for Women Program, which includes enhanced recruiting efforts to bring women into PSEG’s skilled trades roles, a buddy program to provide support to all union women new hires into these roles, and the elimination of interview requirements for certain entry level roles where pre-employment testing is sufficient to evaluate a candidate’s qualification for a role.
  • Strong partnerships with Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) and Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) to recruit diverse talent. In 2022, we launched a pilot externship program intended to bring first-year students from HBCUs into the PSEG talent pipeline. In 2023, PSEG will extend its pilot externship program broadly to HSIs and first-year HSI students. Additional work with HSIs includes our longtime relationship with Montclair State University in the form of grants, recruitment, and the PSEG Institute for Sustainable Studies.
  • 从半天到一整天的休假,以表彰纪念美国奴隶制的终结
  • Leadership development and enhanced talent and succession processes focused on identifying diverse talent pools and diverse high-potential candidates in the workforce.


  • 自2018年以来,增加了六位新导演,并退休了五名董事,这些董事表现出良好的董事会茶点。
  • Four women and three members of color on PSEG’s board, demonstrating board diversity.
  • Enhanced disclosure in the PSEG proxy statement across ESG topics.

公共服务企业集团(PSEG)(NYSE:PEG)是一家主要受监管的基础设施公司,专注于清洁能源的未来。在推动进步的愿景的指导下,PSEG旨在为人们提供更少的能量的未来,更清洁,更安全和更可靠地交付。PSEG对ESG金博宝怎么注册在我们的净零2030气候视觉并参与联合国竞赛零,以及我们纳入道琼斯琼斯可持续发展北美指数金博宝怎么注册彭博性别平等指数和清单America's most JUST Companies。PSEG's businesses include Public Service Electric and Gas Co. (PSE&G), PSEG Power and PSEG Long Island. (。

Forward-Looking Statements
Certain of the matters discussed in this communication about our and our subsidiaries’ future performance, including, without limitation, future revenues, earnings, strategies, prospects, consequences and all other statements that are not purely historical constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. Such statements are based on management’s beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to management. When used herein, the words “anticipate,” “intend,” “estimate,” “believe,” “expect,” “plan,” “should,” “hypothetical,” “potential,” “forecast,” “project,” variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Factors that may cause actual results to differ are often presented with the forward-looking statements themselves. Other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in any forward-looking statements made by us herein are discussed in our reports on Form 10-K, Form 10-Q and Form 8-K. These factors include, but are not limited to:

  • 任何无法成功开发,获得传输和分配的监管批准,以及太阳能和风能的项目;
  • the physical, financial and transition risks related to climate change, including risks relating to potentially increased legislative and regulatory burdens, changing customer preferences and lawsuits;
  • 任何设备故障,事故,关键的操作技术或业务系统失败,恶劣的天气事件,战争行为,恐怖主义,破坏性,网络攻击或其他事件,包括诸如正在进行的冠状病毒大流行等大流行病,可能会影响我们提供安全可靠的能力为我们的客户提供服务;
  • 任何无法收回我们长期资产的携带量;
  • disruptions or cost increases in our supply chain, including labor shortages
  • 任何无法在商业上合理的条件下保持足够的流动性或获得足够的资本;
  • 网络安全攻击或入侵或其他对我们的信息技术,操作或其他系统的影响;
  • 持续的冠状病毒大流行的影响;
  • 未能吸引和保留合格的劳动力;
  • 通货膨胀,包括设备,材料,燃料和劳动力的成本增加;
  • 我们盟约在债务工具中的影响对我们的业务
  • 我们的核退役和定义福利计划信托基金投资的不利绩效以及资金要求的变化
  • 未能完成或延迟完成海洋风风项目,以及未能实现该项目的预期战略和经济利益;
  • fluctuations in wholesale power and natural gas markets, including the potential impacts on the economic viability of our generation units;
  • our ability to obtain adequate fuel supply;
  • 市场风险影响我们发电站的运营;
  • 与能源发电,分销和消费有关的技术变化以及客户使用模式的变化;
  • 与我们出售发电产出和购买燃料有关的第三方信用风险;
  • any inability of PSEG Power to meet its commitments under forward sale obligations;
  • reliance on transmission facilities to maintain adequate transmission capacity for our power generation fleet;
  • 州和联邦立法和法规对我们业务的变化的影响,包括PSE&G收回成本并赚取授权投资回报的能力;
  • PSE&G’s proposed investment programs may not be fully approved by regulators and its capital investment may be lower than planned;
  • 对于我们的新泽西核电站缺乏长期立法或其他解决方案,足以将其重视其无碳,燃料多样性和弹性属性,或者当前或随后的付款对此类属性的影响。法律程序;
  • adverse changes in and non-compliance with energy industry laws, policies, regulations and standards, including market structures and transmission planning and transmission returns;
  • risks associated with our ownership and operation of nuclear facilities, including increased nuclear fuel storage costs, regulatory risks, such as compliance with the Atomic Energy Act and trade control, environmental and other regulations, as well as financial, environmental and health and safety risks;
  • changes in federal and state environmental laws and regulations and enforcement;
  • 收到或无法接收必要的许可和许可证的延迟;和
  • 税法和法规的变化。


From time to time, PSEG and PSE&G release important information via postings on their corporate Investor Relations website at。鼓励投资者和其他有关方面访问投资者关系网站以查看新帖子。您可以注册有关网页底部的新帖子的自动电子邮件警报https://investor.pseg.com或导航到电子邮件警报网页here

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