


NEWARK, N.J., May 20, 2022 /3BL Media/ —PSE&gand the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) are teaming up during国家电气安全月份为了提高人们对电力危险以及如何为安全有效的能源使用做准备的认识。

Simple precautions such as not overloading electrical outlets, checking cords for visible damage, properly installing and maintaining appliances and using energy-efficient power strips can help customers avoid potentially dangerous situations.

Whether you are a property owner or a renter, electrical safety should be a top priority. Awareness of electrical hazards is the key to reducing the staggering number of electrically-related home fires, injuries and deaths that occur every year.

  • 根据ESFI,每年大约有3,300起家庭大火源自延伸线和电源条,导致死亡和伤害。
  • 消费产品安全委员会,使用2006年至2008年的估计,主要电器引起了超过150,000residential fires each year. Some older model appliances can become hazards if they are improperly installed or maintained. The most common appliance dangers are fire, electric shock and gas emissions.



  • AFCI断路器和插座可以防止可能导致火灾的电弧过失。
  • 接地的出口protect against electric shocks.
  • GFCI outlets需要断路器,水和电可能接触并防止地面断层。


  1. 电涌保护设备
    • Advanced power strips protect electronic equipment against dangerous and costly power surges and they prevent unnecessary power drain by plugged in devices that are not in use, eliminating phantom and standby power losses without having to unplug equipment.
    • Save money withPSE&gMarketplace instant rebates: You may be eligible to purchase a power strip for as little as$ 1或最高$ 25instant rebate on an advanced power strip.*
  2. LED灯泡
    • 与白炽灯这样的发热灯比发热量的灯光保持凉爽,造成火灾和燃烧危险较小。
    • 节省能源:LED的用途最多比传统白炽灯泡使用高达90%的能量,长达25倍。
    • Save money withPSE&gMarketplace instant rebates: Upgrade just five of your most-used bulbs with LED lighting and save up to $45 per year. You may be eligible to purchase LED lightbulbs for as little as$0.13 each or save up to $15购买能源储蓄套件。*
  3. 智能恒温器
    • Save energy: Control your home's heating and cooling from anywhere.
    • Save energy and money withPSE&gMarketplace instant rebates: You may be eligible to purchase a smart thermostat for as low as $29 or receive up to $100 instant rebate on the purchase of a smart thermostat.*
  4. ENERGY STAR® certified appliances
    • Save money withEnergyStar®的家庭性能rebates and you could qualify for rebates up to$ 5,000†而且您可能有资格获得最多$ 15,000无利息的账面还款to help you pay for your upgrades.


Stay safe at home:ESFI了解电力已成为我们生活中必不可少的一部分,以至于我们倾向于将其视为理所当然,但是安全地使用它至关重要。


Save energy: Expert advice on improving your home's energy efficiency is available through PSE&G'sQuick Home Energy Check-Up

PSE&g活力Efficiency Programs for residential customershomeenergy.pseg.com和商业客户

* PSE&G customers can visitPSE&gMarketplace,我们的在线商店在销售点提供具有即时回扣的节能产品。条款和条件适用。
†最多$ 5,000的折扣和节能取决于所选和安装的设备的品牌和型号。估计任何节省,结果可能会有所不同。PSE&G不能保证通过实施推荐的更改可以节省的能源或金钱。

