
(3提单媒体可比我们)10月5日金博宝手机版网页2011 - Publix超级市场排名中位列榜首,紧随其后的是谷歌和UPS在2011排名最好的50家公司编制的企业公民的声誉在美国公众卡罗尔管理学院的企业公民中心波士顿学院和声誉研究所。企业社会责任指数(CSR指数)是由卡罗尔管理学院的研究人员开发的企业公民中心波士顿学院金博宝手机版网页声誉研究所与理解公司的声誉受到公众的影响公民身份相关的性能(社区和环境),治理(道德和透明度)和工作实践。188bet网址怎么打不开排名的2011年金博宝手机版网页企业社会责任指数是基于一项调查在2011年1月的7790在线消费者在美国。在佛罗里达州的莱克兰总部的员工拥有的连锁超市,。Publix位居榜首,以80.59的得分在100点范围内。谷歌获得第二名的企业社会责任指数得分为77.10,其次是UPS为76.金博宝手机版网页16。在285公司2011年企业社会责任指数衡量,10级75或更高的地方他们的成绩优秀的类别和另金博宝手机版网页一个57分70或更多到强烈的类别。在前50名,每个公司得分71.1或更高版本。不到10分分离从50号1号,很明显,所有50个代表品牌的精英阶层。看分数的285家公司2011年企业社会责任指数,有一个总体评级下降的公司的社会责任时,公众对企业社会责任的期望金博宝手机版网页从业务仍然很高,道德规范和治理问题继续成为大家关注的焦点。公众在2011年似乎要求更高的公司和声誉下降的感觉。今年80.59的高分(100分制)相比于2010年的最高得分82.67。 “Reputation is now widely accepted as a valuable intangible asset for firms, and as such it is an aspect of business that is earning increasing interest and attention from the C-suite and board,” said Katherine V. Smith, executive director of the Carroll School of Management Center for Corporate Citizenship at Boston College. “It is an indicator of how strongly connected consumers are to a brand. The effectiveness of a company's reputation management will influence the bottom line – in either a positive or negative manner.” The CSR Index was created using data collected for Reputation Institute’s Global Pulse 2011, which was conducted online in January 2011. A Pulse score is a measure of corporate reputation calculated by averaging perceptions of four indicators of trust, esteem, admiration and good feeling obtained from a representative sample of at least 100 respondents who were familiar with the company. Possible scores range from a low of 0 to a high of 100. Pulse scores that differ by more than plus/minus 0.5 are significantly different at the 95 percent confidence level. Each of the 7,790 respondents surveyed for the 2011 CSR Index was allowed to rate a maximum of five companies with which they were familiar, resulting in a total of 24,977 ratings of 285 selected companies. All companies were rated by at least 100 respondents. Ratings are statistically significant at a 95 percent confidence level with a margin of error plus/minus 0.5. In other words, companies have significantly different results when their scores are greater than 0.5 points apart. Respondents’ distribution represents the U.S. adult population based on age and gender. The Carroll School of Management Center for Corporate Citizenship at Boston College is a membership-based research and education center. The Center provides knowledge and learning opportunities designed to help executives, managers, and employees advance positive corporate citizenship from wherever they sit in the organization. With 375 corporate members and a 26-year history, the Center has a track record of leadership and prominence in the corporate citizenship arena. It is widely regarded for its objective stance and a unique grounding in both management theory and management practice.www.BCCorporateCitizenship.org声誉研究所是世界领先的管理咨询公司名声,使领导更自信的业务决策,建立和保护声誉资本和驱动的竞争优势。成立于1997年,在30个国家,声誉研究所提供了一流的信誉咨询提供基于事实的思维见解让决策更有信心,并使客户能够实现企业目标。声誉研究所也传播知识,汇集全球网络利用广泛的研究,复杂的分析和严格的方法,加强与关键利益相关者的关系并通过管理、增加有形价值增长和保护公司的声誉。www.ReputationInstitute.com接触的更多信息:佩吉·康诺利,卡罗尔管理学院的企业公民中心在波士顿大学
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