

金博宝手机版网页(3BLMedia/theCSRfeed)11月25日2010-188bet网址怎么打不开How long do you think it will take to take your company Green?  How long would it take to get the businesses of your community to Go Green?  How long will we struggle to become a Green country?  At the current pace, we will still be struggling to reach Green compliance ten years from today, and that is simply how it is everywhere.  But, what if we could start fresh and develop a system so efficient, effective, and universally applicable that we could take a community or city into a Green program in just 30 days!  And what if it was free?

绿色和可持续社会的进展脱节并难实现。我们意识到LEED和ISO等耗资累累程序是好的,但它们并不容易安装或普遍适用。 问题求解道, “ 难道没有方法向每个人和各种企业提供绿色和可持续实践吗? ”

上头绿路评估程序将于2011年1月1日公开启动,每个企业,无论大小,都可签名并参加引导程序开发绿色企业。需要三大基本步骤无需昂贵第一步金博宝怎么注册绿色事务所内部任命绿色官员。 概念出自2009年秋季奥巴马总统签名的第13514号行政命令 。 越来越多的企业认识到绿色实践需要内部代表而非为外部咨询支付沉重费用。 如果绿色办公所需要培训支持,绿色商务联盟为可持续性事务官提供世界上最完整的在线培训程序

第二步简单易行。每家公司都可注册绿色路径评估软件,该软件设计引导任何大小公司绿色化并更具可持续性运算。有一千多项应用,每个应用系统都有一个点值。GlobalGreen不是面向“fective,Bust Development ”设计,而是通过点数系统实现进度。通过分数系统可测量进度,尽管没有两家公司能完全以同样方式实现绿色程序

第三步绿色实践超过百分数后,可以通过实战审核程序认证。 消除绿化市场并识别值得其他绿色企业承认和运营的合法绿化企业需要这样做。

Thereafter, businesses will continue to use the Green Path software to improve the Green IQ of the company.  The point system allows certification at the silver level starting with 100 points, but goes as high as 1500 points.  This is done because companies will not go Green in on effort.  It takes time to install and develop a full Green and sustainable program that is also understood by the management and employees.  In practice, we are talking of a three to five year effort to fully convert an average business as it exists today.

188bet网址怎么打不开City and community leaders are encouraged to consider adoption of the GREEN PATH system for several reasons.  How long will it take to invent, perfect, and deploy any other Green business program?  Present systems cannot deploy throughout the community.  That is why every city, state, and country will be only marginally down the road of environmental success in the next ten years.  We have endured twenty years of Green rhetoric so far with very little change in our communities.  Most businesses would not rate well under any reliable Green auditing system.  Yet, by adopting the GREEN PATH system, a community program can be installed without cost allowing every business in the city to use the system immediately.  Since there is no cost and the system is easy to use, deployment is rapid and powerful.  In essence, 10,000 businesses may sign up and begin reaching for Green certification status in as little as 30 days.

大公司会发现系统提供预想系统允许多办事处部署。 无论是在其他州或国家,三步程序都要求每个办事处安装一名经过培训的绿色干事(或COSO),他们将在该设施工作整合绿色路径系统实践。定制设计应用允许为各类公司原型设计独特清单。Green商业联盟与公司合作,在整个操作中实施Green路径项目而不论地点

获取绿路程序对您的区域也很易实现 。绿色商业联盟188bet网址怎么打不开绿色路径程序的全面效果向企业免费开放,但如果社区支持邀请所有企业加入,则会产生最大效果





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