

甜酒Caridad将打击性别不平等,很多家庭成员、腐败和三角恋爱组织同龄人种植和出售有机咖啡和改善人们的生活社区。188bet网址怎么打不开她也将成为一个榜样对年轻女孩上学,他们的梦想。甜酒的故事Caridad和她的农村社区创建经过几天的讨论与恰帕的代表国家的政府部门188bet网址怎么打不开和媒体专业人士。“这个项目很刺激,鼓励知道政府真正感兴趣的人改善他们的生活”,Queta提到当我们把我们的行李从酒店房间。五天的培训结束后,我们正试图评估发生的一切当我们准备会见的恰帕斯州第一夫人一个小时。“这也是伟大的支持参与商业电视生产;它给我们的工作增加了另一个维度,”我回答说当我们试图适应袋进车,开车前下山Tuxtla古铁雷斯,恰帕斯州首府。Queta(墨西哥项目官Enriqueta Valdez),马可·罗德里格斯(视频生产实习)和我共事30参与者和合作伙伴设计将我们的第一个电视-电视剧-超过五年。

媒体的影响和我们的合作伙伴之间的对话,恰帕斯州的政府,2月份开始。“夫人。伊莎贝尔·sabine,恰帕斯的第一夫人,与我们产生一个电视很感兴趣,“Queta已经在2010年底所提到的,“我们需要会见她让球滚起来;如果她很兴奋这意味着有高可能性,这个项目成功”。肖恩,我会见了墨西哥Queta后我们去加纳与政府签订正式合作协议的广播系统(Sistema Chiapaneco de广播、电视y Cinematografia)我们合作支持广播剧,Corazon de一样关于妇女权益和促进新法律反对性别暴力;共同开发一个电视肥皂剧,促进可持续发展,性别平等和土著人民的权利。电视连续剧,暂时命名为Ponle科拉松!(把你的心放在它!),开始是一个令人兴奋的想法,现在项目已经国家卫生部的支持,教育、女性、农村和农业发展,基础设施,环境,原住民。政府提供的初始资金和生产能力,媒体影响培训和指导Entertainment-Education方法,和运河40 (www.proyecto40.com.mx)国家电视网络在墨西哥,将涵盖生产成本,如设备和后期制作。最重要的是,拉美sabine太太的完整支持,谁已达到国家明星,比如音乐家亚历山大据,谁将构成戏剧的主题曲。Ponle科拉松!,我们的程序,推出了为期5天的研讨会期间与当地团队牧场圣卢西亚,30分钟远离Tuxtla古铁雷斯。阿尔贝托Aridjis,项目协调员说,“所有的参与者收到一个正式的邀请函亲自签署sabine太太,请求他们的考勤和承诺的项目我们会有代表所有参与的政府实体”。事实上,30多个参与者积极参与在车间的活动程序的框架,网格的值,产生,主要角色定义和创建一个中央的故事情节包含所有的问题,讨论了在最初几天的车间。“你能想象的过程创造电视长剧的沙漏形身材,“我告诉参与者我们庆祝完成故事,“你从主题和思想发散收敛到一个值网格,最终变成一个故事情节。通过角色冲突的情节和对话的主题展开到行为,奖励和后果。“无形的结果培训项目的所有权和对每个参与者和他们所代表的部门;结果非常重要在处理政府机构遭到公众的监督。 Just last week the Mexican Secretary of Education, Alonso Lujambio, recognized publicly that telenovelas could become an important instrument to promote literacy and improve the academic gap. The training was just the beginning of the process. The team will write the 20 scrpits of the telenovela beginning the in April to start pre-production and recording in May. “We need to speed up the production because the rainy season starts in June, but we are very positive we can do it,” Aridjis commented. As we prepare for the ardous production tasks ahead of us, we stopped to celebrate the success of the radio drama Corazon de Mujer which was launched on the air on March 8, during International Women’s Day. After just two weeks of broadcast, Corazon de Mujer is now being rebroadcasted in other states across Mexico and in Chile and Costa Rica. “We are very excited as the program has raised lots of interest from other radio broadcasters and partners,” said Debora Iturbe, Director of the Sistema Chiapaneco de Radio, Television y Cinematografia. While driving from the Government House to our hotel, Debora received an email into her blackberry, “I just got a letter from an audience member of Corazon de Mujer!” she expressed excited and started reading the letter out loud: “As I listened to the radio drama, I was transported to Chamula in the Highlands of Chiapas and the practices of arrange marriages young Zoque indigenous girls face. Families provide a dowry, which was not perceived as a commecial exchange for the bride, but as a sign of gratitude. I don’t mean to say that women’s rights were not violated, as most of these young women were 14 to 18 years old and in most cases met their future husbands during the wedding day.” Pedrito, our driver, smiled as all of us cheered about the letter and discussed how we can include audience participation and requests in the upcoming scripts. The truth is, there is still a lot of work to do to reach out to indigenous and rural communities and promote existing laws, such as legistlation to promote women’s ownership of land that passed a year ago. As Mrs. Isabel de Sabines pointed out during our meeting , “our telenovela and radio drama need to show that women have the right to own land, which for centuries has been banned in some indigenous cultures”. “I’m dedicated to this project down to the bone!” Carlos Adalid, Scene Director for the telenovela expressed to us during day one. After a week of working all together as a team, all partners are part of the heart of a telenovela that will put the Corazon de Chiapas in the forefront of Entertainment-Education production in Mexico, and if we dream a little, the world. Brenda Campos Prorgams Director Chiapas, Mexico, March 19, 2011

