

(3提单媒体/可比我们纽约,纽约金博宝手机版网页——5月4日,2011 -普华永道慈善基金会,Inc .,一段501 (c)(3)组织,宣布了770000美元的新资金来支持高等教育在美国。普华永道慈善基金会,公司使慈善捐款普华永道人民在经济困难时期,和非营利组织,支持和促进人道主义和教育事业。

赠款被授予通过普华永道查询计划,帮助国内高校重要更新和会计行业面临的问题合并到他们的课程。赠款也将有助于基金多元化举措,旨在增加多样化的学生进入职业的数量,以及应用研究项目由教员。“我们认识到至关重要的作用,高等教育在创造机会和繁荣,”玛丽安Cloyd而言说,普华永道合伙人,普华永道学术顾问委员会的成员,普华永道慈善基金会的主席。“定向融资的创新课程和项目带来新的人才进入会计行业将有助于创建另一个充满活力的组织的领导人在商业和社区。”Facing mounting debt and budget shortfalls, state and federal funding for higher education has come under increasing pressure. The latest PricewaterhouseCoopers Charitable Foundation, Inc. grants complement PwC's support for education related causes and help bridge gaps in public funding. Since 2008, PwC has contributed more than $35 million to colleges, universities and student-focused educational programs. "The PwC INQuires Program is a great example of how universities and public accounting firms can work together to improve the professional competence of accounting graduates," said Al Talarczyk, accounting professor, University of Wisconsin Madison, and recipient of a PwC INQuires grant. "The funding will assist in the development of an exciting new corporate tax course in the tax track of the masters program." "San Jose State University, Department of Accounting & Finance is honored to be a recipient of the 2011 PwC INQuires Grant," said Janis Zaima, Chair of the Department of Accounting and Finance. "Dr. Ashley Davis will use the grant to revamp the Advanced Accounting Information Systems course in the Master of Science in Accountancy program to focus on IT Audit & Internal Controls. By collaborating with PwC systems and process assurance professionals from the local office, she will incorporate issues that are germane to the accounting practice." 关于普华永道慈善基金会有限公司普华永道慈善基金会,公司使慈善捐款普华永道在经济困难时期,人民和非营利组织,支持和促进人道主义和教育事业。 对普华永道网络迎合各行业的需要,透过普华永道公司提供审计、税务及咨询服务,以提高客户价值。188bet上不了在154个国家超过161000人的公司普华永道网络分享他们的想法、经验和解决方案开发新的视角和实用的建议。看到www.pwc.com为更多的信息。©2011普华永道。保留所有权利。“普华永道”和“普华永道”指普华永道,特拉华州有限责任合伙,普华永道国际有限公司的一员,公司的每一位成员都是一个独立的法律实体。PWC13586