Qualcomm Wireless Reach正在改善印度渔民的安全性和生计
Qualcomm Wireless Reach正在改善印度渔民的安全性和生计
2017年7月24日,星期一 - 上午11:05
为了庆祝不断变化的生活,Qualcomm®WirelessReach™每周都会启动一个新视频,展示其有影响力的项目之一,并突出该技术背后的工程师。观看此视频,以了解有关Fisher Friend Mobile应用程序如何利用无线解决方案的更多信息,以使印度的新一代渔民以更安全,更有利可图的方式赚取生计。您将遇到第三代渔夫Panneerselvam和技术高级总监Kirk Burroughs。Panneerselvam and thousands of fishermen along India’s coast rely on Fisher Friend, and Kirk explains how GPS and wireless connectivity allows them to use the app’s features to check the weather and ocean conditions, receive disaster alerts, map the coordinates of prime fish catches, check current market prices and more.