


新年快乐! !我知道有点晚了新年愿望,但我一直很忙。这个博客条目数周来一直坐在我的电脑,如果现在我不发表就2013当你看到这个条目。大苏尔马拉松的训练与硅谷决心团队是惊人的。我已经筹集到1300美元的美国癌症协会,我离到达筹款最低200美元。这是好,部分大苏尔决心球队连续第二年,这笔钱在对抗癌症筹款。我几乎没有参加去年的决心,因为我非常害怕筹款,但我学到了很多关于我自己和我所能完成的小心脏和决心。2月,我将庆祝我的第三年志愿服务和战胜癌症。我已经工作在这个博客条目,所以请继续关注。:)这是有趣的看到志愿者,帮助对抗癌症和长跑一起闯入我的生活。 If you’d like to donate and help me reach my goal for the Big Sur Marathon be sure to visit my筹款页面提高酒吧
我总是受到我的限定词的个人故事。会议的所有运动员惊人的决心和培训与硅谷很棒的团队。2012是一个美好的开始。我总是提高门槛,看看我可以筹集更多的资金,筹集更多的意识和激发其他人加入对抗癌症。2010年,我的目标是完成一次马拉松。当时,我并不是一个跑步者从没有疯狂的运行经验来跑马拉松。我注册运行大苏尔马拉松,丘陵,挑战马拉松。跨越终点线是我一生中最伟大的成就之一。跑步已经成为我生活的一个重要组成部分。完成我的第一次马拉松后,我不得不做一些更令人难以置信的2011。 I raised the bar on myself again in 2011, now I had to run 2 marathons in one year, run a sub 2 hour half marathon and become a DetermiNation Athlete charity runner. Those were some pretty ambitious goals, but I love a good challenge. I trained with the amazing Silicon Valley DetermiNation team and I ran the Big Sur Marathon on May 1st, 2011. I finished in 4:44:16, a 31 minute personal record from 2010. I fundraised $2,700 for the American Cancer Society and lost 41 pounds in the process. July 31st, I ran a sub two hour half marathon at the San Francisco Marathon finishing in 1:57:46. October 2nd, I ran the San Jose Rock ‘n’ Roll Half-Marathon in 1:57:42. October 23, I ran the Morgan Hill Marathon my second marathon of the year and finished it. I was very pleased with finishing this race because it’s a tough hilly marathon, and I had to contend with 93 degree weather. After the Big Sur Marathon, I experienced a lot of set backs because of injury, but I made a strong comeback in the fall. It was a wonderful way to finish off the year. 2011 was an incredible year and I’m looking forward to raising the bar. I love a good challenge and I’ll be willing to do anything to help find a cure for cancer. So what’s on the agenda for 2012? It’s my third year of distance running, and to celebrate I’m going to run 3 marathons: The Big Sur Marathon on April 29, The San Francisco Marathon on July 29 and a third marathon in the fall. I’m very excited to be running 3 marathons in one year. Once I reach the Big Sur fundraising minimum, in the two years that I’ve been involved with DetermiNation as an Athlete, I will have fundraised over $4,200 in the fight against cancer. I most proud of this, because I never imagined that I would have been able to fundraise that amount of money to help fight cancer. To run and dedicate my miles and training to helping fight cancer is pretty amazing. I hope your 2012 is off to a wonderful start. What are you going to do to raise the bar for 2012?大的梦想更上一层楼无论你做什么。我祝大家成功的2012年。去D-Nation ! !ACS20584