Ralph Lauren Corporation Applauds Selection of U.S. Regenerative Cotton Fund As an AIM for Climate Innovation Sprint Partner at COP26


纽约,2021年11月8日 / 3BL Media / -Ralph Lauren Corporation今天赞扬了最近推出的选择U.S. Regenerative Cotton Fund作为气候的农业创新使命(气候目标)创新Sprint合作伙伴,这是美国和阿拉伯联合酋长国在未来五年内支持对气候智能农业的投资的联合计划。该选择于2021年11月2日在格拉斯哥举行的联合国气候变化会议(COP26)宣布。

“We must come together as a global community to address the challenges of today so that future generations inherit a world filled with natural beauty and inspiration. That’s why we are working toward our Net Zero goal, and it’s why the U.S. Regenerative Cotton Fund, created through partnership between the Ralph Lauren Corporate Foundation and the Soil Health Institute, complements our goals. We’re honored that this work is recognized as an AIM for Climate Innovation Sprint Partner,” said Patrice Louvet, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ralph Lauren Corporation.

拉尔夫·劳伦公司基金会committed an inaugural grant to the Soil Health Institute to launch the U.S. Regenerative Cotton Fund, a first-of-its-kind initiative to support long-term, sustainable cotton production in the United States, with the goal of eliminating one million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) from the atmosphere by 2026. The U.S. Regenerative Cotton Fund is supported by a $5 million grant from the Ralph Lauren Corporate Foundation.

最近,该公司还加入了一系列承诺,反映了COP26的范围和使命,这些承诺强调了作为其一部分的持续努力Global Citizenship & Sustainability目标。他们包括:

  • 我们的意思是商业联盟 - G-20气候声明:与公司最近的announcement为了在2040年到达其运营和价值链的净零全球温室气体排放,拉尔夫·劳伦公司(Ralph Lauren Corporation净零排放不到2050年。这里。
  • Clean Energy Demand Initiative:To utilize the Company’s scale to create impact, the Ralph Lauren Corporation is actively advocating for cost-effective and robust clean energy procurement options in several key global markets where the Company operates or sources its products. Additional details can be found这里
  • 纺织交换 - 优惠关税项目: As a member of the U.N. Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action and the Textile Exchange, the Ralph Lauren Corporation signed a policy statement issued to all COP26 participating nations requesting that policymakers work closely with the apparel, textile and footwear industry to develop thoughtful trade policy mechanisms, specifically those that would drive the adoption of environmentally preferred materials and enable achievement of the Textile Exchange’s industry goal of a 45% greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2030 in the pre-spinning phase of textile fiber and materials production, in line with the Paris Agreement. Additional details can be found这里

这些承诺中的每一个都受到拉尔夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren)的基础目的的启发,以通过真实性和永恒的风格来激发更好的生活的梦想,这已经指导了其设计愿景以及它如何运营其业务超过50年。此外,这些努力都基于该公司通过合作伙伴关系和投资进行开拓,促进和扩展可持续创新的工作,包括与之合作的工作Natural Fiber Welding Inc。和按需颜色,并与对巴黎协定中确定的气候目标的承诺保持一致。

拉尔夫·劳伦公司(Ralph Lauren Corporation)(NYSE:RL)是五类高级生活方式产品设计,营销和分销的全球领导者:服装,鞋类和配件,家庭,家庭,香水和酒店。50多年来,拉尔夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren)寻求通过真实性和永恒的风格来激发更好的生活的梦想。它的声誉和独特的形象已经在广泛的产品,品牌,分销渠道和国际市场上开发。The Company’s brand names—which include Ralph Lauren, Ralph Lauren Collection, Ralph Lauren Purple Label, Polo Ralph Lauren, Double RL, Lauren Ralph Lauren, Polo Ralph Lauren Children and Chaps, among others—constitute one of the world’s most widely recognized families of consumer brands. For more information, go tohttps://corporate.ralphlauren.com。

Design the Change, Ralph Lauren Corporation’s strategy, is both a commitment and a journey to create a positive impact in society. It is based on our belief that, together with our industry, we can deliver the change required for a more sustainable and equitable future for all. Design the Change is anchored in commitments that will drive progress across our three focus areas: Creating Timeless Style, Protecting the Environment and Championing Better Lives, and it is underpinned by ambitious goals that guide the Company’s work across citizenship and sustainability. Ralph Lauren is a signatory to the We Are Still In declaration and the U.N. Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, pledging to limit our emissions in line with the Paris Agreement goals. The Company is also a member of the G7 Fashion Pact, a group of fashion leaders working to stop global warming, restore biodiversity and protect the oceans. For more information, visit our Company website.
