



建国以来的历史学家和社会学家证实,我们的民主(甚至更早),个人经历精神疾病已经被污名化,迫害,直到最近,战略上分离出正常的社会。凯利博士继续说,“考虑自己以及他人的危险,那些标记为“疯子”被强行拿走没有法律保护不足的生活形成了鲜明的和经常不人道的机构。我知道。我在那里。作为一个职业在哈里斯堡州立医院早期的70年代,我目睹了可怕的条件有大量睡在一个小房间,人们涌入天房间,穿着不当囊状的衣服。没有备抵在浴室和淋浴个人尊严,更不用说基本人类渴望家庭,家庭和社区。188bet网址怎么打不开我们这些共同基石确信应该有一个更好的方法。更好的方式“近几十年来,一直为人们创建经历精神疾病以及其他残疾。这在很大程度上是由于积极倡导开拓组织像基石一样,随着时间的推移,能够激发更大的敏感性,愿景和英联邦的全力支持。首席执行官迈克尔•格里尔评论重点社区精神卫生服务(KCMHS),“经过数年的游说,像我们这样的组织有机会证明与精神疾病斗188bet网址怎么打不开争的个体能够成功接受社188bet上不了区生活时给予适当的支持,这正是我们所做的,继续做每天。“现在记录表明,除了极少数的例外,哈里斯堡州立医院的数以千计转变KCMHS和组织现在住在自己家里,工作,上学和富有成效的生活。 How was it that Keystone was able to make this work? Grier credits Keystone’s inclusive values, unflagging determination, and an innovative treatment approach called “The Recovery Model.” “The Recovery Model builds upon the insight and experience of those already on the road to recovery," continues Grier. “Looking back, perhaps our most critical decision was to employ an individual who was in Recovery to join our agency’s leadership team. For the past several years, this individual has provided us with an unprecedented understanding of the complexities of living life with a mental illness. And this insight has enabled our mental health experts to fine-tune Keystone’s support services to be more responsive than ever.” Beyond their policy input, Keystone also trains and compensates successful Recovery participants to provide practical supports to those who are just entering the program. Referred to as “peer support,” this approach works to strengthen each individual while it implicitly validates the peer support role in the therapeutic process. Continues Grier, “There is a very powerful empathy and a feeling of ‘being understood’ that evolves within these relationships. Imagine how inspiring it must be for an individual to observe the success and respect enjoyed by their Recovery Specialist. This is someone who’s been in their shoes and understands their innermost struggles. Over time, the participant starts to believe that kind of dignity could be theirs.” The concept of recovery is based on the belief that people can and do get better. The role of the provider is becoming a partnership with those individuals that are supported by Keystone. The ultimate goal of any service provider should be to prepare the individuals to live in society with non-paid supports. With Keystone’s demonstrated success in serving this population, two more state hospitals are scheduled for closing in the coming months, and peer support is now being embraced broadly by other human service organizations across America. Concludes Dennis Felty, President and co-founder of Keystone Human Services, “Since our inception in 1972, we’ve learned that serious disability, including mental illness, autism, intellectual and physical challenges, will touch almost every American family. We’ve also come to understand that disability is not an unfortunate event that happens to some people, but it is an inherent aspect of the human experience. The Recovery Movement works because it was built on becoming stronger as a result of each person’s decision not to be a victim. A living example of Keystone’s vision, each individual’s recovery journey makes an important contribution to building a world where the gifts of all persons are recognized and valued.” Even though mental illness is an inherent aspect of the human experience, Keystone Human Services and other like organizations are still challenged to fundraise for a human condition that continues to be stigmatized even in our enlightened culture. To learn more about Recovery, Family Living, making donations or volunteering, visitwww.keystonehuman188bet上不了services.org。梯形人类服务的机构,KCMHS总部位于哈里斯堡拥有超过2188bet上不了00名员工,服务超过900人在多芬,坎伯兰,佩里和富兰克林/富尔顿县在宾夕法尼亚和马里兰州的一部分。梯形人类服务188bet上不了(学校)带来大约125000000美元的全球服务社区和雇佣了超过3000人致力于支持自188bet上不了闭症患者,智障、精神疾病以及脆弱的儿童和家庭在宾夕法尼亚州,康涅狄格,特拉华州和马里兰以及摩尔多瓦地区和俄罗斯。还重点咨询与人类服务实体在阿塞拜疆和南非。学校和家庭的机构,致力于创建一个环境,在这里所有的人,无论背景和能力,可以生长,做出选择,是价值和贡献他们的社区的成员。188bet网址怎么打不开询问KCMHS和梯形的整个范围的社区服务是受欢迎的。188bet网址怎么打不开188bet上不了联系迈克•格里尔(717)558 - 8450或执行董事mgrier @ keystonehuman188bet上不了services.org。KEYS16899