作为挑战的一部分,参与者被邀请分享他们自己的技巧更让学年尽可能的绿色。银行经历了超过100000的提交日期和编译的最佳生态——并从全国成员方面的建议。最常见的主题?让你的家人参与进来,成为一种乐趣!以下是一些最突出的结果:1。交换。举行一次服装和学校设备交换方与其他家庭在附近。这是一个很好的方法让孩子们“新”的衣服和背包在不伤害地球,加上它节省金钱。另一个伟大的技巧是访问交易网站ThredUP.com交换衣服你的孩子不再穿新衣服。2。抛出一个closet-cleaning聚会。清理壁橱前购物,看看哪种适合,什么可以改变用途或捐赠。使它成为一个有趣的活动对整个家庭一起将在一些音乐,一些零食和一个时装表演!3所示。把一些老的一个新的转折。拿出你的缝纫机,材料库存及配件重造旧衣服。这是一个有趣的和创造性的活动的家庭,可以节省资金,并鼓励孩子们享受回收服装。4所示。 Extend the life of your crayons. Take crayons from the previous school year, melt them and pour them into molds to create different shaped crayons. Once cooled, you have cool “new” crayons. 5. Save on textbooks and conserve paper. Buy used text books from students who were previously in your kids’ grades. College students can use textbook renting sites such as Chegg.com, which even plants a tree for each book rented. And if you buy a textbook on Amazon.com, you can sell them back for gift cards to use towards next year’s books! 6. Plan a supply hunt. Organize a pen, pencil and notebook scavenger hunt around the house—you’d be amazed what you can find in drawers and bags. It’s a fun rainy day project for kids, and a great way to reuse the supplies you’ve already bought. 7. Give supplies a facelift. You can add some flair to old school supplies that are still useable. Fill an old binder with un-used pages from cast-off notebooks, recover them with sturdy fabric and then break open the craft drawer and let your kids go wild! Last year’s binder becomes a work of art. 8. Make it a game. Each morning, get out the stopwatch and have everyone race through the house to ensure all lights are off and appliances and electronics are unplugged. This helps save energy, and reduces your electricity bill and burns off excess energy! 9. Paint the classroom green. Encourage your child’s school administrators to have recycle bins in the schoolyard, classroom and hallways so kids develop the habit early. If your school doesn't have recycling, bring in your own bins and set up a collection schedule with other parents! If your town is a Recyclebank community, families can take turns collecting bins and share the coupons with the classroom. Many towns supply recycling bins to residents, but if yours doesn’t places like Home Depot and Target sell them. 10. Form a club. If you have junior high or high school aged kids, ask your school if you can form a “Green Club.” Members can serve as green ambassadors in their respective classrooms, and help raise awareness and implement school-wide eco-friendly actions. To learn more easy and inspiring tips for going green this school year from Recyclebank, visithttp://schoolyear.recyclebank.com。分享你的技巧和简单的事你得到奖励绿色生活,花银行绿色你的学校一年的挑战,全国范围内激发家庭环保决策在整个学年。挑战,直到9月30日,银行成员一个交互式的学年的旅程,有机会赚点沿着赢得100年难以置信的奖品,包括一个大奖包设计绿色学校的所有元素年价值7500美元。关于银行银行帮助创建一个更可持续的未来通过鼓励人们采取日常绿色行动的折扣和交易来自3000多个地方和国家企业。通过在线平台,与市政府合作,搬运工,小型企业和企业品牌,银行是使一个集体授权给个人对环境的影响通过增加家庭回收,减少家庭能源使用和其他环保首选采取行动。公认为世界经济论坛技术先锋,地球的冠军由联合国环境规划署和优秀卓越的公共/私营伙伴关系从美国市长会议,银行的总部设在纽约。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.Recyclebank.com。# # #REBA16935