Reflections During Pride Month: How Cisco Employees Are Creating a More Inclusive Future
Reflections During Pride Month: How Cisco Employees Are Creating a More Inclusive Future
在六月期间,您会看到彩虹旗飞行和庆祝活动,以纪念女同性恋,同性恋,双性恋,变性人和酷儿(LGBTQ)骄傲月。它每年在6月举行,以表彰LGBTQ+民权运动和纪念关键Stonewall Uprising1969年6月28日。这一事件改变了LGBTQ+运动和争取平等权利的斗争。但是,为LGBTQ+社区创建一个更具包容性的世界还有很多事情要做。188bet网址怎么打不开
Nicole Albertson (she/her)
Global Lead, QFAM (Queers & Friends at Meraki)
Head of Communications at Cisco Meraki
“每个骄傲都会花时间庆祝和尊重酷儿社区 - 表达我们的支持,并记住那些为LGBTQ+权利而战的人。188bet网址怎么打不开
At Cisco, we know the opposite is true. We know that our individuality makes us shine. We know that equality is a right that shouldn’t need to be earned. With the support of our leadership and their pledge of support, we are taking the steps towards an inclusive environment that nourishes our growth and stands for equal rights.
在Pride月份,Meraki的Cisco Meraki的员工资源集团和Meraki(QFAM)的朋友被振兴以庆祝我们的差异 - 或者我们称他们为我们的超级大国。我们聚集在一起,探索如何通过接受和鼓励我们所有人的超级大国来继续为自己和他人出现。魅力,爱,真实性和弹性的力量 - 我们都以独特的方式体现的力量 - 为我们所有人创造了平等的深刻超级大国。
Our differences don’t make us different; they make us equally super.”
Andy Burnside (he/him)
Co-Lead, Cisco Secure Pride
“One of the most challenging and wonderful aspects of queer life for me has been always knowing I was different from others around me. My own experience has inspired me to fight for the marginalized, to work to serve the needs of others, and to aspire to change the world.
我做到这一点的一种方法是帮助我们领导我们的Cisco Secure LGBTQ+ ERO。让自己有意的时间专注于为有类似经验的思科内的其他人服务,这是一种非常有意义的经历,使我们能够确定重要的问题,为社区创造安全的空间,并为彼此提供宝贵的资源。188bet网址怎么打不开我为成为思科的一员而感到自豪。”
Alejandra Hernandez-Montaño(她/她)
PRIDE AMER Regional co-lead
CX Centers Customer Delivery Leader
Resilience is to keep raising our voice for justice and equality regardless of the increase of hate and violence around the world. We continue to show our strength.
Identity since we all belong to ourselves. Being able to recognize and respect each other for who we are makes our world a better place to live in.
Determination when we keep seeing that after several years the cause to recognize the LGBTQ+ rights remain alive and getting stronger.
Members of the LGBTQ+ community, whether they be friends, family, or colleagues, could use your support. Here are three ways to start:
- Educate yourself through books, podcasts, or documentaries about the issues that the LGBTQ+ community is facing. This is especially important when it comes to trans rights and the experiences of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) who are part of the LGBTQ+ community.
- Consider donating to or volunteering with an organization that supports the LGBTQ+ community and the advancement of equity and inclusion.
- 不要只是在骄傲月份表达您的支持。一年四季努力倾听并帮助提升LGBTQ+社区的声音。188bet网址怎么打不开
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