


Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 9:00am


由Candace Higginbotham

“Wow! What a pleasant surprise when I checked my mail! As a single mom and first responder it’s hard to keep up with medical bills!! Thank you so much!!”

That’s just one response, from Acworth, Georgia, after the news that Regions has helped relieve the medical debt for some low- and moderate-income individuals and families.

早在三月份,地区宣布$ 50,000拨款以撕裂医疗债务这是一家非营利组织,以低于联邦贫困水平,无力偿债或经历艰辛的两倍以下的家庭的费率大大降低了无偿债务。当他们拥有医疗债务,而不是收集医疗债务时,就会宽恕医疗债务。


Turns out, that $50,000 grant has abolished $12.8 million worth of medical debt for 12,000 people.

“医疗财务困难是我们社区中个人和家庭的严重问题 - 这是造成金融动荡和个人破产的主要原因的主要贡献者。我为我们的贡献带来了真正的影响而感到自豪。”
社区事务主管Leroy Abrahams188bet网址怎么打不开

“We’re so pleased that this community partnership with RIP Medical Debt has had an even greater impact than we expected,” said Leroy Abrahams, head of Community Affairs. “Medical financial hardship is a serious issue for individuals and families in our communities – it’s a major contributor to financial instability and the leading cause of personal bankruptcies. I’m proud that our contribution has made a real difference.”




社区倡导和金融健康经理Wendi Boyen说:“个人无法直接与RIP医疗债务等组织接触以寻求帮助,因为这些团体从其他企业那里购买了无偿债务。”188bet网址怎么打不开“因此,无论该过程的金额或阶段如何,我们都可以轻松地访问有用,直接的建议和指导,以帮助管理医疗费用。”



Boyen encourages everyone to review these courses, no matter your health or financial status, and get informed about medical financial issues well before you need it – and share the information with friends and family.

“Medical issues can be difficult and traumatic, especially when dealing with serious illness or sudden accidents,” Boyen said. “It’s better to be prepared and knowledgeable beforehand instead of trying to navigate complicated financial matters during a stressful time.”

Boyen continued, saying, “We’re pleased with the progress made so far, but this issue isn’t going away any time soon. We’ll continue helping families be better prepared to navigate medical financial hardships. It reflects Regions Bank’s mission and values, and it enhances our community engagement priority to foster inclusive prosperity through financial wellness.”

Read about a Regions Bank associate who leaned on tragic events in her past to help others facing medical financial hardship