
栗树山,质量。8月9日,2017 / 3提单媒体/—波士顿大学企业公民中心很高兴打开注册期的吗领导学院参与和行动导向的企业公民计划。今年,领导学院将面对面,为期一周的会议于11月13 - 17日,2017年在波士顿大学校园,和高潮在波士顿大学企业公民中心的国际企业公民会议,4月8 - 10日举行,2018年在洛杉矶,加利福尼亚。完成的项目,参与者将利用他们增强领导能力与说服,鼓励创造性,开发高性能的团队,支持组织的转变。“领导学院——我们致力于帮助企业公民的专业人士了解更多,做得更多,并实现更多的商业和社会,”凯瑟琳诉史密斯说,波士顿大学企业公民中心执行主任。通过学院”,参与者可以开发必要的领导技能和培养一个无价的对等网络的能力—而不只是在他们的同学和辅导员,但也与领导学院校友。”Taught by faculty from the Carroll School of Management and other experts in the field, the intensive, five-month program is designed to improve problem solving, decision making, and innovation, as well as to bolster negotiation and communications skills. Through a comprehensive blend of on-campus, instructor-led classes, and off-campus, facilitated distance learning, participants gain the practical tools and skills to make them effective champions of corporate citizenship work. "This is a rich diverse group in terms of industry and expertise. The capacity and opportunity to learn and share the best practices has been tremendous," said one alumnus of the Leadership Academy. "I learned that that CSR is a leadership opportunity as much as an opportunity to help your company express its brand and create societal good," remarked another. Because the Leadership Academy is designed for experienced managers who have direct corporate citizenship responsibilities and whose scope of influence includes strategy development and execution, the program is available by application only. Enrollment to the Leadership Academy is open to both non-members and members of the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship, with members receiving discounted tuition. Graduates include professionals from FedEx Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, The Travelers Companies, TELUS, and Upon completion of the program, participants will earn a Certificate of Corporate Citizenship Leadership from the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship under the Carroll School of Management at Boston College, 25 Certificate Units towards an additional certificate, as well as 3.6 Continuing Education Credits (CEUs). Those who graduate from the program will also learn tools to help them develop new initiatives or broaden the reach of successful programs, such as leading with authority and securing executive buy-in. Registration is now open for classes that begin in November 2017. To learn more about the Leadership Academy—or to become part of the Class of 2017—,电话617-552-4545,或接触 现在申请领导学院> 波士顿大学企业公民中心基础下卡罗尔管理学院在波士顿大学,波士顿大学企业公民中心是一个membership-supported组织致力于推进领域的企业公民。我们把最有价值的方面的专业网络和资源的主要学术机构430多家会员公司。联系人: