从2018 - 2020年开始,资源塑料成员公司消除了其有问题的塑料的一半以上;废物基础设施对增加可回收内容构成了挑战

从2018 - 2020年开始,资源塑料成员公司消除了其有问题的塑料的一半以上;废物基础设施对增加可回收内容构成了挑战


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2021年12月8日,星期三 - 上午9:15


华盛顿,2021年12月8日 / 3BL媒体 / -A新报告来自世界野生动植物基金会(WWF)的发现,该组织的主要成员资源:塑料program – Keurig Dr Pepper, McDonald's Corporation, Procter & Gamble, Starbucks, and The Coca-Cola Company – cut their use of problematic plastic[1]在2018年至2020年之间,达到57%。这种显着减少总计71,000公吨,包括消除或材料转化难以收到的小物品,例如稻草,餐具以及刚性泡沫和乙烯基等材料。

有问题塑料的减少是许多指标之一,突出了在Transparent 2021,,,,第二份年度报告来自资源:塑料。该计划于2019年启动,是量化公司影响并追踪公司的行动以及防止数百万吨塑料废物的机会的首要努力。这Transparentreporting series looks at how plastic footprints are changing year-over-year, tracking progress and prioritizing recommendations for action in three areas WWF finds critical for corporate engagement on plastic: eliminating unnecessary plastic, making the plastic they do need from sustainable inputs, and doubling their recycling rates. In addition to looking at where and how Principal Member companies have improved since 2018,Transparent 2021还包括有关塑料足迹的基线数据ReSourceMembers that joined in 2020: Amcor, Colgate-Palmolive, and Kimberly-Clark.

“一段时间以来,企业一直在谈论塑料污染问题,这是一个重要的一步,但是现在该问棘手的问题了:您做了什么,这真的有所作为吗?”世界自然基金会私营部门参与高级副总裁Sheila Bonini说。“在这个报告系列中,ReSource成员通过将所有数据(好,坏和丑陋)放在桌子上来回答,以便我们可以看到哪些动作是什么或不起作用,而且很明显,他们如何最大程度地发挥影响力的能力。”

遵循对这些公司的基线塑料足迹分析,于2020年出版,最新Transparent报告发现在某些领域,尤其是在消除不必要的塑料方面的有希望的进展。另一个值得注意的发展是可重复使用性的发展 - 这种干预措施有可能遏制对一次性项目的需求。几家公司介绍或扩展了重复使用飞行员和/或参与浪费之外的消费者,以制定对环境和社会负责的重复使用系统的关键指南。

不太令人鼓舞的是将再生内容纳入无法消除的塑料的进展,这突显了建立回收的内容供应链所需的持续投资(即使需求很高),鉴于废物管理和回收基础设施中的系统性问题。使用回收内容ReSourceMembers increased from 7.8% to 9.6% (+124,000 metric tons) between 2018 and 2020, a modest improvement which requires acceleration to meet their time-bound goals.

Addressing these issues presents the greatest opportunity forReSourceMembers to make an impact at scale. The report points to promising developments over the past year: a new Polypropylene Recycling Coalition, of which someReSource成员是成员或联合创始人,已经授予了13笔赠款,这些赠款将使美国聚丙烯的回收访问增加6%;以及美国饮料协会的1,250万美元的承诺,ReSource实施合作伙伴,使宠物回收现代化。预计这一承诺将在未来10年内额外提供6.93亿磅的宠物回收内容。

Primary recommendations for the year ahead include the continued elimination of unnecessary plastic through reduction, substitution, and business model innovations like reuse systems. To build on the momentum on reuse,Transparent 2021encourages all eightReSource会员公司从飞行员转变为市场规模。该报告强调,通过进一步雄心勃勃的集体行动,重用系统有可能从根本上改变我们使用和处置塑料的方式。

这report also calls on companies to support collective action and investment in recycling systems, as well as policy interventions with multi-stakeholder representation like extended producer responsibility (EPR). ManyReSource会员公司已经involved in such efforts,这对于解锁回收内容输入的访问至关重要。最后,该报告引用了对改进和标准化数据的继续需求,并建议制定塑料污染条约 - 许多条约ReSource会员公司have already endorsed- 作为标准化度量的基本构建基础,以告知决策者,公司决策者和公众。

博尼尼补充说:“感谢资源:塑料Members, for the first time we can now confidently say, this is where you’ve made real-world, quantifiable progress, and this is where you need to focus and invest going forward.”

[1]Problematic plastic includes single-use plastic items which are either unnecessary or have inherent issues in their material or design which prevent them from being recycled or composted or pose a specific environmental risk. In Transparent 2021, the following categories were included in our calculation of problematic plastic: polystyrene (PS), expanded polystyrene (EPS), or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and small plastics.

世界自然基金会是世界领先的保护组织之一,在近100个国家 /地区工作了60年,以帮助人们和自然繁荣发展。在美国的130万成员和全球超过500万成员的支持下,世界自然基金会致力于提供基于科学的解决方案,以保护地球上的多样性和丰富性,停止环境的退化,并应对气候的降级危机。访问worldwildlife.org了解更多;跟随@wwfnews在Twitter上跟上最新的保护新闻;并注册我们的新闻通讯和新闻警报here


“At Amcor, we’re making solid progress against our pledge to ensure that all our products will be recyclable or reusable by 2025. Today approximately 74% of our packaging portfolio is designed to be recycled, and we’re making great progress introducing new recyclable options to achieve our goal. We know that to improve recycling rates, we need better waste management and recycling infrastructure. So, Amcor is proud to be acting with our partners, including WWF and the Alliance to End Plastic Waste, on a variety of important recycling infrastructure projects to ensure that packaging that is designed to be recyclable is recycled in practice and at scale.”

AMCOR可持续性副总裁David Clark金博宝怎么注册

这Coca-Cola Company
“世界自然基金会的进展Transparent 2021报告表明,持续雄心勃勃的集体行动的需求。当我们共同努力时,我们可以采取有意义的步骤来促进循环经济并减少浪费。”

Bea Perez, Senior Vice President and Chief Communications, Sustainability and Strategic Partnerships Officer, The Coca-Cola Company

高露洁 - 帕尔莫利
“高露洁 - 帕尔莫利维与世界自然基金会的合作伙伴关系ReSource程序非常宝贵。它为高露洁 - 帕尔莫利维(Colgate-Palmolive)的可持续性雄心提供了必要的工具,信息和协作,以消除塑料废物以及我们为所有人,他们的宠物和我们的星球重新构想更健康金博宝怎么注册的未来的目的。世界自然基金会的工作还提供了一个一致的报告平台,可供塑料契约和其他合作者访问,从而为复杂的报告世界带来了协调。”

高露洁 - 帕尔莫利维(Colga金博宝怎么注册te-Palmolive)首席可持续发展官Ann Tracy

Keurig Dr Pepper
“Packaging waste – particularly plastic waste – is a growing global challenge. At Keurig Dr Pepper our vision is a circular future in which our packaging is recycled and repurposed to remain in use and out of the environment. We have set aggressive goals to increase the recycled content and recyclability of all our packaging, to decrease the amount of virgin plastic we use by 2025, and as a Founding Member and largest funder of The Recycling Partnership’s Polypropylene Recycling Coalition, we are focused on collaborative action to improve the circularity of our products and packaging. The information contained within theTransparent 2021报告有助于验证我们在包装方面设定的课程,还将有助于绘制我们在未来的包装课程。”

Monique Oxender, Chief Sustainability Officer, Keurig Dr Pepper

“As part of our ambition to drive innovative solutions, we are working to address the challenges associated with single-use plastics. By 2025, our goal is that 100% of our packaging will be reusable, recyclable or compostable, and that we’ll achieve 20% average recycled content across our plastic packaging. These goals play a critical role in how we deliver our purpose of Better Care for a Better World, and we are excited to partner with organizations such as资源:塑料当我们共同努力以衡量进度,解决差距和共同的挑战时,并确定了加速有意义的长期变化的机会。”

Kimberly-Clark安全,可持续性与职业健康副总裁Lisa Morde金博宝怎么注册n

“当我们应对塑料污染挑战并寻找更可持续的未来时,世界自然基金会的资源:塑料program continues to be immensely valuable. Through this partnership, we are supporting transparency across the industry that allows us to pinpoint not only the areas of opportunity within the McDonald’s System, such as increasing recycled content in our packaging and reducing small plastics, but also the critical opportunities where brands can act jointly to enable the biggest impact globally. This type of collective action is necessary to move with the speed, urgency and scale that the plastics challenge demands, and we’re grateful to be partnering with WWF andReSourcePrincipal Members on such important work.”

Jenny McColloch, Chief Sustainability Officer, McDonald’s Corporation

Procter & Gamble

全球可持续性副总裁Jack McAneny,宝洁与赌博金博宝怎么注册

“Last year, Starbucks announced an ambitious goal to reduce carbon, water and waste by 50% by 2030. We’re proud of the progress we’ve made over the past year towards our waste target through strategies like testing reusable cup approaches, eliminating plastic straws and working with local municipalities to improve recycling infrastructure, but we have a long way to go. Meeting our goals requires collaboration with the private sector, NGO’s, governments and participation in programs likeReSource这创建了一个共同的框架来跟踪进度并为我们提供洞察力,以创造真正的可持续变化。”

Michael Kobori, Chief Sustainability Officer, Starbucks
