


该博客是代表英特尔全球水管理经理Fawn Bergen发布的。她致力于减少我们的环境足迹并管理我们的水修复计划,以便我们可以实现2025年的目标,以恢复我们全球用水的100%。

2019年3月22日,星期五 - 下午3:45


As we approach World Water Day, it is a perfect time to reflect on the world’s water challenges and Intel’s role in the global water story. Water is a growing concern across the globe, driven by climate change, rising populations, increasing energy demands, and aging infrastructure. According to the United Nations (UN), water use has increased across the world at more than twice the rate of population over the last century, and one third of the world’s largest groundwater systems are in distress today. Based on current climate change scenarios, the UN estimates that by 2030, 24 million to 700 million people will be displaced due to water scarcity[1]

水对英特尔很重要 - 对于半导体制造是必要的,它在我们与当地社区的关系中起着很大的作用。As a company, we’ve been investing in water conservation projects and setting ambitious water conservation goals for close to two decades, saving close to 64 billion gallons of water since we started tracking our progress in 1998. Although we continue to invest millions of dollars each year to conserve water and increase our water use efficiency, our water needs are growing along with company growth and manufacturing complexity. This led us to ask – what else should we be doing? The answer was to look at the bigger picture – beyond our own operations – and examine how Intel impacts the watersheds where we operate.

我们的现场水管理实践使我们能够将大约80%的水退还给社区 - 重新使用或充电地下水。这使我们在水平平衡中存在20%的差距 - 我们的操作中消耗的水,主要是通过冷却塔蒸发或被植物在美化环境中占用的水。为了解决这一差距,在2017年,我们宣布了一项新的全球承诺,以恢复2025年使用的100%水的100%水,这意味着,对于我们使用的每加仑淡水,我们将通过现有水还原到我们的流域或社区管理实践和节水投资在我们的运营中以及支持当地的水修复项目。


从更个人的角度来看,当俄勒冈人在太平洋西北抚养我的孩子时,这个地区以其绿色景观,美丽的河流和湖泊而闻名,看似不断的降雨(或者至少在冬天感觉到这种感觉) - 我担心about what their future looks like and if we’ve done enough to protect our natural resources. But I also feel hopeful and excited about the future since, in my job at Intel, I see first-hand how companies, governments, and environmental groups are coming together around the world to implement highly impactful solutions to improve the world’s water environment.


类别: 环境