
博客,由黛博拉·罗兹曼Intech量子的哲理,Inc .的总裁兼首席执行官(dba心脏数学Inc .)
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的一件事让我印象深刻的人在社会金融是无国界记者非凡照顾他们的任务和人民对他们的工作和组织。同样引人注目的是他们的照顾自己和对方。你可以感受到文化的关心当你进入他们的办公室。有许多非常关心企业社会责任和社会资本运动的人。金博宝手机版网页对于那些非常关心的一个挑战人类和地球心脏数学研究人员称之为“自寻烦恼”——当保健变成压力担心显示,焦虑和焦虑,严重影响了我们的清晰、健康和有效性。越来越频繁的全球压力事件和正在进行的全球压力波广播新闻和媒体,重要的是我们在CSR照顾我们自己和我们的同事和我们一样照顾我们的使命或我们会妥协我们的社会影响。金博宝手机版网页不谢弗,总裁兼首席执行官RSF社会融资,说,“我觉得我们在社会上的一个转折点。有一个令人难以置信的数量的当下,对未来的不确定性。有一个独特的综合因素,现在很重要,可以使人们看到深入现在压力最大的事情,是否经济,退休储蓄、气候变化等等。更多的人能够看到解决方案的调查问题的深度。 I feel that what Quantum Intech/HeartMath is doing with stress reduction is part of what’s opening the field or opening a channel for people to be able to make progress in that path from being stressed out, uncertain, and anxiety-filled to a new level of personal and social responsibility. With HeartMath, I can take a step-by-step methodological approach to my own psycho-spiritual-biological health and see how that relates to the broader community and societal health. I don’t think we’ll ever come across an educational company as unique as Quantum Intech/ HeartMath and it’s definitely something we feel strongly about. “This is a unique time we are in, and because of the depth of the anxiety level, a broader number of the population is able to think about more radical and more far reaching solutions and HeartMath is able to be a bridge to that," Shaffer continues. "HeartMath can speak in terms of biological health to spiritual health to community health. That’s a pretty big 'Wow' factor to me that HeartMath is taking that on and doing it in a disciplined way. I can’t think of any other organizations I know of that are looking at health in such a holistic, far-reaching way. And I feel the world consciousness is more ready for it now than perhaps at any time leading up to now.” Stress researcher and HeartMath Founder and Chairman Doc Childre writes, “It’s more important now than ever to practice the caring maintenance of our personal energy balance, to learn how to shift from fear to calm and poise when responding to stressful events and news reports. This helps to prevent energy drain and increases the effectiveness of our outgoing care. When our emotions are exhausted, agitated or frayed, it compromises our personal mental and physical system and diminishes our effectiveness. It’s harder to prevent emotional drain at times when you’re personally connected to a stressful event, but there are important actions you can take in the moment while you are experiencing the stress.” Here are three tips:
  1. 值得花时间在场合有意识的呼吸平静的感觉和恢复到您的系统。这样做从你的真正的心感觉恢复情绪弹性,尤其需要时给予关心和支持。使用任何修复技术,为你工作。重要的是:记得。自我保健是一个重要的组件在全球保健。

  2. 很多人都敏感地球上能量增加压力,压力波的频率和应力波的放大媒体。你可能会发现自己更不耐烦,脾气暴躁的或焦虑。增加你的同情自己和别人练习。

  3. 做出承诺”清楚当你说,“这意味着试图解决判断,指责和误解,所以他们不占据你的思想,你的情绪恶化,耗尽你的精力。实践heart-connected沟通。从你的心真诚地说。听你的心没有判断。这些是heart-based行动已被证明有效地减少失真,压力和障碍。继续练习直到他们成为护理的新习惯。

是黛博拉·罗兹曼的总裁兼首席执行官Intech量子的哲理公司(dba心脏数学Inc .)和服务的顾问委员会心脏数学研究所。Intech量子的哲理,以其科学的验证心脏数学®程序,是世界领袖的个人和组织减压。心脏数学为个人和企业提供了一套工具,方法和emWave技术授权浏览压力,改变时间。使组织实现心脏数学程序在一年内2:1 ROI在降低医疗成本——同时增加员工的满意度和性能。总储蓄——从增强性能和额外的回报——加起来快,为公司创造显著价值主张和社会作为一个整体。Intech量子的哲理也有一个强大的声誉作为一个对社会负责的三重底线的公司使命与501 (c) 3压力非营利研究组织,心脏数学研究所提供心脏数学缺医少药的压力的解决方案,包括学校、社区服务组织和退伍军人。188bet网址怎么打不开QINT13416

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