

克里斯特尔·海德曼(Christel Heydemann)




For the longest time, companies have measured corporate performance in terms of how much revenue they generated, how many factories they operated, and how profitable they were. Other considerations, such as sustainability, the efficient use of resources, carbon emissions, and the impact on the environment were secondary in many senior executives’ and policy makers’ minds – if they featured at all.





The proposals also aim to incentivize private-sector investment into low and zero-carbon technologies, renewable energy, energy efficiency and the circular economy. Tax reforms and a holistic CO2 pricing system will also incentivize change, by making it more expensive to emit carbon, thus attracting investment in projects that reduce or remove emissions and in fuel switching.

As such, the EU Green Deal is a growth strategy. All the more so in this time of crisis management: the historic EuropeanNextGenerationEU Recovery Plan (NGEU)– with its € 750 billion of loans and grants to help the region recover from the effects of COVID-19 pandemic – is kick-starting the long-term transformation to a more resilient, digitized, prosperous and sustainable Europe.

In other words, whether companies act out of a sense of moral responsibility, or out of sheer business rationale: those that offer solutions in these fields, embrace an integrated approach, adapt their business models to this new reality, and reducing their own emissions and those of their supply chains stand to benefit massively from these shifts. What’s more, they stand to benefit from local and regional policy incentives, and from bringing their best technological innovations to the table.


Adding to the rationale for corporate climate action are the changing expectations of customers, financial markets, and employees.

客户 - 消费者(B2C)和业务(B2B) - 越来越关心他们从IS购买的公司的绿色,而不仅仅是其自己的业务,还包括其供应商和业务合作伙伴的业务。


And then there’s the issue of attracting and retaining talent: younger generations, in particular, choose to work for companies whose values they share – and climate action and environmental responsibility, for many, are hugely important.



气候变化是我们时代最大的挑战。对于公司而言,采取行动不仅​​是道德责任 - 这也是一件好事。那些不采取行动或仅仅进行渐进的变化的人会失去客户,投资者和员工的信任。

Conversely, those that do make climate action part and parcel of their business strategy, and embrace decarbonization as an opportunity rather than a set of challenges, stand to benefit.

