SC Johnson and 4th Family Team Up to Empower Youth in Underserved Communities by Leveraging the Power of STEM and Sports

SC Johnson and 4th Family Team Up to Empower Youth in Underserved Communities by Leveraging the Power of STEM and Sports

Program to reach 4,000 middle school-aged children in Racine, Wisconsin and Chicago, Illinois
SC Johnson and 4th family logos

Thursday, April 14, 2022 - 7:00am

CONTENT: Press Release

威斯康星州拉辛(Racine),2022年4月14日,3BL Media / -SC Johnson,包括Windex在内的家庭消费品牌的制造商®, 离开!®和方法®, today announced a partnership with 4th Family, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to empowering youth in underserved communities by combining the relevance of sports with STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) learning. The partnership will create the “STEM & Sport Team Up,” a learning program that features the science behind the sports children love to play. The program will reach 4,000 middle school-aged children in Chicago, Illinois and Racine, Wisconsin, the location of SC Johnson’s global headquarters.

“SC Johnson’s efforts to increase access to education in underserved communities align perfectly with 4th Family’s innovative approach to STEM learning,” said Alan VanderMolen, Chief Communications Officer at SC Johnson. “We are excited to introduce STEM to children in Chicago and Racine in a relevant, engaging way that leads to greater diversity and inclusion in STEM.”

由约翰·斯科特(John Scott)和贾基恩·霍克(Jahkeen Hoke)共同创立,在纽约奥尔巴尼(Albany),第四个家庭是为了回应STEM学科中城市青年的清晰教育和就业鸿沟。

第四家族联合创始人Jahkeen Hoke说:“我们在奥尔巴尼市中心长大,没有参加体育运动,我们可能没有机会继续我们的教育并拥有今天的职业。”“We are thrilled that through the ‘STEM & Sport Team Up’ with SC Johnson, we are bringing opportunity, long-term empowerment, and self-belief to more kids in more communities simply by making STEM as relevant and accessible as possible to the next generation, regardless of their background or current beliefs around STEM.”

Added John Scott, Co-Founder of 4th Family, “To have our first national partner be SC Johnson, a company with a decades-long commitment to increasing representation in STEM, it feels like the stars aligning.”

Each participating school will experience a three-phased program that begins with a large assembly event called “The Science of Slam” showcasing basketball dunks and the science involved with how to dunk. The second phase is a day-long clinic for 100-150 interested children followed by a three-day camp where they will learn via in-depth, interactive programming. Events in Racine begin May 2, with Chicago programming to follow the second week in May. Clinics and camps will take place in June and July, respectively.

4th Family’s STEM Team is led by Dr. John Drazan and Dr. Amy Loya, whose research with 4th Family has been recognized by the MIT Sports Analytics Conference, as well as the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Both Dr. Drazan and Dr. Loya are former college basketball players with PhDs in Biomedical Engineering. Dr. Drazan is currently an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Biomedical Engineering Department at Fairfield University in Connecticut, and Dr. Loya is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering Department at Union College in New York.

“As sports were my pathway into a career in science, I know that for many kids, they don’t necessarily see themselves in STEM. So it’s important to go beyond the traditional things kids associate with STEM like male scientists in white lab coats,” said Dr. Drazan. “Our work shows that the fusion of youth sports programs with sports analytics is an excellent opportunity to serve as an introduction to STEM and to broaden the appeal of STEM among youth in underserved communities.”


关于SC Johnson
SC约翰逊(SC Johnson)成立于1886年,总部位于美国威斯康星州拉辛(Racine),他认为,一个更可持续,更健康,更透明的世界激发人们并创造机会不仅可能 - 这是我们的责任。创新和大胆,透明决策的遗产就是为什么我们的高质量产品和标志性品牌(包括关闭)的原因!®袭击®,glade®,Windex®,擦洗气泡®, Ziploc®,迈耶太太的干净一天®, method®, Autan®, Baygon®, Mr Muscle®, 鸭子®,溶酶体®还有更多 - 在全球几乎每个国家的家庭,学校和企业中。自1937年以来,SC Johnson每年将所有税前利润的5%捐给慈善机构。在过去的十年中,SC Johnson已向全球的家庭,社区和地球投资了超过3亿美元。如今,我们的社区努力专188bet网址怎么打不开注于建立一个更可持续的世界,更健康的世界和一个拥有更多机会的世界。

第四家族是一个非营利组织,主持青少年/社区活动,指导计划,个人发展计划,教育计划,健康与健康计划,年度体育联赛和锦标赛以188bet网址怎么打不开及教育旅行。在第四家族中,我们试图通过指导和领导机会,尤其是在STEM领域内的领导机会来增强城市青年的能力。我们的运动科学和其他STEM计划的中心论点是,我们的年轻人有能力学习经济最关键部门的真实技能 - 技术,科学和工程。受到邀请,支持和指导探索自己对STEM的兴趣和才能,成千上万的年轻人参加了4年th自2012年以来,家庭屡获殊荣的计划。

类别: 教育