Scaling Regenerative Agriculture: What We Can Learn From Innovative Beverage Companies

Apr 2, 2020 1:15 PM ET
How Leading Beverage Brands Are Scaling Regenerative Agriculture

Scaling Regenerative Agriculture: What We Can Learn from Innovative Beverage Co…

Grow smarter, not harder. That’sregenerative agriculturein a nutshell. It’s a back-to-nature approach to growing that not only aims to do no environmental harm but also progressively improve ecosystems.

For beverage companies, regenerative agriculture represents one of the greatest business and sustainability opportunities today, tomorrow, and beyond.

“Essentially, we’re giving back what we’re taking,”Carine Christophe, Group Environmental Manager at Pernod Ricard, says. “We’re preserving, protecting, and nurturing the earth to ensure its resilience so we can produce quality ingredients for our beverages now and for generations to come.”

But here’s the thing: There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to regenerative agriculture. Crops vary. Growing sites and conditions range drastically across the globe. Business models and supply chain partnerships differ wildly from smallholder farmers to commercial-scale producers. And this means questions around scalability are top of mind and complex to navigate.

The good news? Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER) members believe best practice sharing is key to helping organizations answer scalability questions for themselves.

From one-crop-shops to co-ops,read onto learn how a range of beverage brands are tackling regenerative agriculture.