

身份盗窃保护专业人员Carrie Kerskie说,T-Mobile的Scam Shield和其他预防措施等工具可以帮助阻止欺诈者的轨道。

身份盗窃专家Carrie Kerskie

2020年10月29日,星期四 - 上午11:00

CONTENT: Article

杰森·亚当斯(Jason Adams)

当涉及身份盗用,欺诈和网络威胁时,凯莉·克斯基(Carrie Kerskie)已经看到了一切 - 然后是一些。


Kerskie总部位于佛罗里达州的那不勒斯,是领先的身份盗用修复和咨询公司Kerskie Group的总裁,也是该书的作者您的公共身份:因为没有什么是私人的和自助指南Protect Your Identity。她还是一个新播客的主持人,”Carrie Kerskie表演”,旨在进一步向消费者告知如何保持自己和自己的身份免受骗子的影响。

“这些类型的犯罪,这是一个幽灵,” Kerskie补充说。“你永远不知道是谁做的。您不知道他们如何获得您的信息。你不知道它们在哪里。”


Can you walk me through what it is you and the Kerskie Group do, and how your background as a private investigator led you to be a top identity theft expert?

Then word of mouth just spread from there. We started getting more and more calls from victims, and then within my industry my peers wanted to learn how we were doing what we were doing. I started creating training programs and reaching out and warning people in my community — and people kept saying, “It’s too much information to remember, put it into a book!” I wasn’t a writer, so I went to the bookstore and I pulled out all the books on identity theft, and I couldn’t even figure out what they were trying to explain to people. I thought, “If I can’t understand this, how is the average person supposed to?” So I wrote Your Public Identity: Because Nothing is Private Anymore, which came out in 2011 and got a great response. Today Kerskie Group focuses exclusively on identity theft restoration and consulting.

Somewhat ironically, identity theft wasn’t anything I chose — it chose me.



People my age and a little older — I’ll turn 50 next year — we’re what is referred to as the “sandwich generation,” because we’re still raising children but also taking care of aging parents. We’re also still working and in the thick of our careers, so we have to use and embrace mobile technology.

还有额外的责任,就像与任何人一样,您手头上的责任和任务越多,您会尝试更快地完成工作 - 因此您并不总是有时会停下来思考,而且事情都会匆忙完成。那是骗局的大事之一:人们措手不及,经常对事情立即做出反应。


Americans have already lost over $80 million to COVID-related scams this year. Losses due to coronavirus scams increased 70% in May and June alone. How have phone scams changed or accelerated in the last few months?


Right now with COVID people are holed up in their homes, they may have a compromised immune system and oftentimes, especially with older folks, they’re lonely. They might get a text message, and the person’s like, “Oh, I’m sorry, I must have the wrong number” — and then they start a conversation. That is a new scam, where they just randomly text people, see who they can engage in conversation, hoping they’re going to get a lonely person on the phone. They befriend them and then the next thing you know, they’re asking for their personal information or money.

We’ve worked with people who’ve fallen for these sweetheart scams, and have lost everything. One woman, she took out a second mortgage on her house to send money to this guy, and of course, he was gone and she lost her house.

顺便说一句,客户可以forward a suspicious text message to 7726, and it helps screen out the smishing messages.

T移动recently rolled out its new suite of free, network-level safeguards with骗局盾。您认为,这些保护措施如何帮助确保人们的安全?
Scam ID and Scam Block are great protections. Most times people have never even heard the term “spoofing.” The way we explain it to them is that I can call you and say that I’m calling from the IRS, and I can make the incoming number mimic the IRS number. It’s going to let you know that that is a spoofed call so you know you don’t need to answer it. That I think is a game-changer.

I also love the T-Mobile PROXY number that allows you to have a second number. I think that is brilliant. I think that is huge. Phone numbers now are becoming equivalent to your social security number, except everywhere you go now, they ask you for it.

By being able to put that second number in there, you’re protecting your core number which you would only give to close family, friends, doctors’ offices — or ascribe to your financial accounts, because the banks use that phone number as an ID verifier. We’ve worked a lot lately with victims who have had their phone numbers ported or who’ve beenSIM-swapped

As soon as the bad guys get control of your primary number, they could contact one of your credit card issuers. If they call their automated phone service, it will identify your account based on the spoofed number they’re calling from. It will tell you the last three transactions and it will give you additional information on that card. You don’t even have to prove who you are. That’s how much the phone number has become an ID verifier.



  • 首先,有一种紧迫感。They’ll insist, “You have to do this right now. You can’t hang up, you can’t call us back. It has to be done immediately right this minute!”
  • 其次,有结果。“如果您现在不这样做,您将入狱。如果您现在不这样做,您将永远不会再见到亲人。如果您现在不这样做,我们将取消您的社会保险号码。如果您现在不这样做,那将要来逮捕您。”这种紧迫感和可怕的后果,即使事情不起作用。如果确实是您的银行,国税局或社会保障局,他们将通过常规邮件与您联系。他们将通过电子邮件与您联系。这不仅仅是一个电话。
  • 第三,他们要求特定的东西- 在大多数情况下,这是一种付款方式。如果您听到“礼品卡,西联汇款或电汇”一词,则挂断电话。只是那么简单。任何组织,尤其是联邦机构,都不会将礼品卡作为付款。如果有人说“去商店买我的礼品卡”,挂断电话。不要参与。他们没有“乐趣”。The more you engage on the phone, they’re going to flag you as someone who’s a talker, so they’re going to come back with a different scam or they’re going to have someone else who’s a little bit more skilled in closing the deal call you back. Just don’t even engage at all, just hang up the phone.


The more that we can do to give tools to consumers to help them identify the technology that we’re up against, like Scam Shield, I think that is a great step in the right direction.

某些Scam Shield功能所需的合格服务和功能强大的设备。