该视频中突出显示的特色项目之一是捐赠含水果的幼苗和草皮,并将其捐赠给AETA社188bet网址怎么打不开区在Camiling,菲律宾塔拉克省的城市城市(位于Barangay Papaac的旷野深处)。今年,树木现在有果实,这是一个很好的生计来源。为了维持树木,在半导体上资助了管道的安装,以提供水源,从而支持社区的植被空间。188bet网址怎么打不开
Additionally, employees at the ON Semiconductor’s site in Tarlac, Philippines, coordinated giving activities and reached out to public school children, children with special needs as well as out-of-school youth and women at the following institutions: St. Joseph Home for the Special Children, Buenavista Elementary School, Lingap Center, Papaac Elementary School and Tarlac Home for Women. Their efforts focused on a donation drive of toys, first aid kits, rain gear and recreational equipment. Also, the company sponsored the funding of the布埃纳维斯塔小学地面改进,为小学生提供更安全的比赛和学习场所。