Setting Records, Walmart Continues Moving Toward Becoming a Totally Renewable Business

Setting Records, Walmart Continues Moving Toward Becoming a Totally Renewable Business

能源与设施管理副总裁Mark Vanderhelm

Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 9:30am

CONTENT: Article

为我们星球的未来做正确的事意味着做出重大改变。这就是为什么我们致力于成为一家再生公司,该公司在2035年之前在我们自己的运营中由100%可再生能源提供动力,并正在投资于今天的明天技术 - 因此,朝着我们的目标迈出了优先级的可再生,恢复性运营的每一步。

我们很高兴地宣布,与Engie North America合作,新的可再生能源发电能力超过500兆瓦(MW)现在在三个单独的风力项目中运行。预计这些项目将每年向美国三个州的数百家商店,俱乐部和分销中心提供可再生能源:德克萨斯州,南达科他州和俄克拉荷马州。这是足够的可再生电力,可以在全年为240,000多个美国房屋供电。


The Power of Wind

This is a powerful collaboration because it allows us to purchase offsite power from three separate windfarms in Texas, Oklahoma and South Dakota. Together, these facilities are expected to help avoid as much as 1.3 million metric tons CO2e of greenhouse gas emissions per year.


The partnership highlights how our investments in infrastructure, paired with innovative thinking, are creating change for people and the environment in ways that will benefit the communities Walmart serves, our associates and customers – for years to come.


Bringing this amount of renewable energy online represents an important leap forward on our renewable energy journey, reinforcing Walmart’s broader mission to spark collective climate action and drive environmental sustainability.


风能不仅有助于我们实现可再生的野心。太阳也在发挥作用。根据太阳能工业协会, in 2019, Walmart added the most solar of any company in the U.S., increasing our solar use by more than 35%. This growth in solar was driven by several large offsite solar projects added to our long history of using solar at our facilities. And according to theEPA绿色力量合作伙伴关系沃尔玛排名前30位的零售排名,在2020年在美国的年度绿色电力使用方面,沃尔玛是顶级零售商。

这些最近的进步使我们更加接近实现我们的目标。2020年,可再生能源在全球范围内提供了我们36%的电力需求。迄今为止,我们的行动将有助于自2008年以来带来三个以上新的可再生能源能力到电网。截至2020年底,我们在八个国家 /地区的运营或开发中有550多个现场和异地项目,美国30个州和波多黎各。

Last year, the renewable energy supplied by our projects globally grew to over 4 billion kWh, and we’re not planning on slowing down.

Beyond our efforts to scale renewable energy for our own operations, we’re encouraging our suppliers to take action in theirs through Project Gigaton, our initiative to avoid a gigaton of greenhouse gas emissions from our global supply chain by 2030. In September 2020, in collaboration with Schneider Electric, we launchedGigaton PPA™可帮助我们的供应商访问可再生能源购买并加速更大的可再生能源。


类别: 活力