太阳能有很多独特的优势,帮助太阳能销售和营销。它所需要的是一个阳光明媚的日子,一个屋顶太阳能电池板生产清洁绿色电力。他们没有移动部件,没有噪音,可以生产清洁能源几十年来对你的屋顶上。对于那些爱一切绿色因为它是绿色的,太阳能发电似乎总是像一个显而易见的选择,但与大多数客户销售太阳能需要策略,就像卖任何东西。这里有七个策略启动你的太阳能销售,营销和通信对太阳能的成功。1。使太阳能负担得起的大多数人有太阳能,最大的问题是,它将花费很多钱。为了解决这个问题,你的太阳能销售和营销需要明确太阳能的金融优势。为帮助提供融资、太阳能租赁或电力购买协议将减少金融问题,以及提供信息和援助补贴和税收抵免。的太阳能代理业务模型从多个安装太阳能销售,竞争投标,确保客户得到最好的价格。讨论如何将太阳能经济回报是一种方法,涉及到大量的客户。2。乐观使太阳能太阳能是天生乐观,一个更好的未来的一部分,我们都可以帮助建立。你的营销可以显示购买太阳能是一种我们都能改变世界,选择清洁电力,使我们自己的。讨论太阳能作为一种对未来的希望也与父母为孩子考虑积极的一步,这意味着,一个强大的动力。3所示。使太阳能爱国爱国主义可以是一个强大的激励因素对很多人来说,购买太阳能是我们国家的积极的一步,将我们走向未来的清洁和强劲的经济,并远离污染和昂贵的化石燃料。太阳能可以保护我们的国家,以及保护我们的环境。显示太阳能爱国爱国的一面营销可以移动思维超越蓝州和红州制造太阳能销售在每个国家无论其政治。 4. Make solar sexy Sex sells they say, and it’s a time honored strategy for selling just about anything because it often works. I’m surprised I haven’t seen more solar marketers try this – if bikinis, fun, and sun can’t sell solar, then I don’t know what can. Except maybe the other six items on the list. 5. Make solar ordinary A common preconception about solar is that it is strange and exotic. There will be a day when solar is on every house but for now solar panels are still an unusual feature in many neighborhoods and not everyone wants to be the first house on the block with solar panels. If your marketing features pictures of every house having solar on it as the wave of the future will help more people get over the idea that it is weird, and start to see how solar will become the norm, opening the door for more people to buy solar. 6. Make solar simple There’s a lot involved in buying solar. There are a large variety of installers, panels, inverters, monitoring, financing, and maintenance that clients need to sort through, all of which can keep some potential customers away from it, intimidated. The winning companies know how to make it all simple for the client. The simpler it is, the less anxiety it will generate, and the broader the market will be. 7. Make solar fun Doom and gloom scenarios of a grim future are not the best way to convince most people to go green. Quite the opposite – many people are driven away by talking about the scary future we could face. Making solar fun and attractive in marketing for your solar company will attract customers to have photovoltaic fun in the sun. Glenn Croston is the author of “75年绿色企业”和“绿色”开始,和的创始人启动绿色,帮助太阳能公司和其他可持续性企业低成本的通讯和营销。金博宝怎么注册SUP15801