Shared Value Insights from UBS' Erika Karp
Shared Value Insights from UBS' Erika Karp
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In the face of complex global issues and societal needs, many companies are turning to shared value, a practice that seeks business opportunity in solving social problems. FSG interviewed leaders in various fields to gain a wider perspective on shared value practices from those who are implementing them. The result is aseries of five minute interviewsthat provide insight on creating shared value from the corporate, non-profit, and investor perspective.
In her conversation with FSG, Erika Karp, Managing Director of Global Sector Research at UBS, discusses the role shared value can have in re-shaping capitalism. She says that shared value can help solve the simultaneous environmental, economic, global health, income inequality, banking, credit, and sovereign crises affecting the world today.“I think shared value ultimately is the only thing that matters…if the private sector’s intention is to optimize return to shareholders, well ultimately doing the right thing by all your stakeholders – and that includes your community – is the same as doing the right thing for your shareholders.”A tall order for a simple idea?Watch the short video and leave your comments on our blog.
For more information on shared value and theShared Value Initiative, visit FSG’s shared valueapproach pageor contact Justin Bakule