Shut Up and Reload: Another “Round”!

Our Blog on Reusing Bullets Draws Some Crossfire!
Dec 9, 2009 7:00 PM ET

Shut Up and Reload: Another “Round”!

Last week we posted a pieceShut Up and Reload!, about reusing spentshell casingsin jewelry and art. The piece enjoyed thousands of reads in just the first day, including the folks atEsprit Mystique, who commented on the piece and showed us a line of their gorgeous jewelry made from reused brass shell casings andcopperbullets. Apparently theArizonadesert nearTucsonis littered with thousands of spent rounds of ammo. What are theyshootingat in the Arizona desert? Scorpions?SaguaroCacti? Mirages?

However they get there, the folks atEsprit Mystiquedig them up, clean them and make one-of-a-kind jewelry from them. The brass shells that are too bent or damaged get melted down and re-cast into creative shapes.

TheEsprit Mystiquefolks have been cleaning up a make-shiftshooting rangein the desert as they transform ammo into art. This stuff is toxic to birds and wildlife and contaminatesground waterand the shells take a lot longer to recycle into the earth than it took to shoot them into that sand hill.

Esprit Mystiqueis also happy to trade jewelry for spent pure brass shells that they can transform into jewelry, as they continue their mission of keeping scores of women, men, and the Arizona desert beautiful!

Greenopolis.comis dedicated to our users. We focus our attention on changing the world through recycling, waste-to-energy and conservation. We reward our users for their sustainable behaviors on our website, through our Greenopolis Tracking Stations and with curbside recycling programs.


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