
运动: Biribireba



像所有的戏剧,Biribireba充斥着阴谋、腐败、诱惑,混乱和爱。不像很多电视剧,Biribireba是注入了重要的社会和环境信息。“每个星期二在接下来的六个月,听众收听会听的曲折肥皂剧,“Brenda Campos说,项目总监,媒体的影响。“Biribireba脚本作家画在加纳讲故事和建立在当地传说的传统工艺有说服力的故事来解决沿海生态系统的治理和管理资源。“两者都是重要的问题在一个国家人口预计将在未来20年的两倍。这项工作的结果是一个迷人的故事,关于一个多汁的三角恋植根于冲突保护:在渔村Biribireba Kweku Anokye是一个年轻的机械师导致污染他的社区。188bet网址怎么打不开Anokye爱上Gifty,但Gifty约会官鲍勃。蒂娜,一位老师在当地的学校,采取行动来解决社区的卫生危机,因为她认识到她的互联性环境的物理退化和社区的经济健康和公共卫生。188bet网址怎么打不开前同学Anokye和蒂娜连接但蒂娜被Anokye缺少关心和负责他的角色在Eku泻湖的污染状态。随着Anokye与蒂娜的友谊,他开始表达关心社会和为他的行为负责,Gifty Anokye(蒂娜的表亲)需要注意的转换和忍不住会偏离腐败官鲍勃。188bet网址怎么打不开“这是蒂娜的性格和Anokye改革激励听众参与社区清理和改变行为,以减少自身对环境的影响,”杀伤力法院,加纳项目官员、媒体的影响。188bet网址怎么打不开 “Preaching at people about issues and threats wasn’t working but showing people, through fictional characters in a drama, that small behavior changes are not overwhelming is already motivating people to take action to improve their community.” Each episode of the drama will broadcast inside of a talk show designed to promote listener feedback and comments on the environmental themes. The drama’s launch will also be marked by several community fairs, including a theme song competition, cook-off between local women and soccer games for youth. The drama is a way to role model the behavior changes promoted in the larger program, and the community fairs and competitions help to engage listeners. Biribireba is only one part of a larger sustainable development program, Hɛn Mpoano. Hɛn Mpoano, meaning Our Coast in the local language Fante, is a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) executed in partnership with the Coastal Resources Center (CRC) of the University of Rhode Island, PCI-Media Impact through SustainaMetrix, Friends of the Nation Ghana and the World Fish Center. PCI17510