


索迪斯的可持续海鲜倡议是索迪斯的美好明天计划的一部分,该公司的全球可持续发展路线图。金博宝怎么注册承诺14源可持续海鲜是一个美好的明天的承诺,环境,健康和对当地社区的支持。“索迪斯接触超过1000万人每天的生活”,说安奥卡河,高级副总裁,在索迪斯供应管理。“当我们实现美好的明天计划我们知道我们有能力不仅影响可持续海鲜的政策,但是教育和影响客户和消费者对他们的选择的影响。我们相信我们可持续海鲜倡议是无与伦比的,能真正的积极影响世界上的海洋和渔业的健康,以及为消费者提供一个更好的选择海鲜。“索迪斯的可持续海鲜倡议:“你更好的选择在海鲜”,将有一个显著的影响体积减少的数量不可持续的海鲜食品服务行业,帮助积极影响消费者购买和行为变化。与海洋管理委员会和全球水产养殖合作联盟,索迪斯将审查所有的野生和人工饲养海鲜购买和帮助确定其海鲜供应的可持续性。金博宝怎么注册短期、中期和长期目标将与简约的海鲜供应商来源和销售认证的可持续海鲜要满足2015年的目标。此外,索迪斯与以下公司和专家为客户提供卓越的保证环保责任和问责制的海鲜。·NSF Surefish,唯一非政府海鲜专家在北美,提供独立的第三方海鲜产品检查和审计服务设施,包括海洋管理委员会的能力问题的保管链认证和执行审计对最好的水产养殖实践(BAP)标准由全球水产养殖联盟。188bet上不了 · CleanFish, is an industry leader in bringing together eco-friendly artisan producers — both fisherman and farmers — and then championing their fresh products in the marketplace under traceable, transparent brands. CleanFish was named “Responsibility Pioneer” by TIME magazine and was a recipient of Food & Wine magazine’s “Eco-Ocean Award”. “By setting these ambitious goals, Sodexo generates a greater demand for seafood from sources that protect the oceans’ ecosystems — an action that is good for people and good for our planet," says Tim Matz, president of CleanFish. · Koch Foods, an industry leader in foodservice sales and marketing is assisting Sodexo with program activation with their customers. Koch Food’s field sales and broker network recently convened an extensive training session in Chicago with the goal of providing unparalleled customer service and support to Sodexo units. The importance of Sodexo's commitment to sustainable seafood is even greater in light of current industry news. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization report “The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2010,” worldwide consumption of seafood is at an all-time high with 115 million tons consumed globally in 2008. Growth in seafood consumption will continue to be fueled by emerging culinary trends. Sustainable seafood was recently identified as one of the top 10 menu trends in the National Restaurant Association’s “What’s Hot in 2011” survey of more than 1,500 professional chefs, and the new 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourage all Americans to eat seafood at least twice a week for its heart and brain benefits. Increased demand is severely challenging our oceans. Seven of the top ten marine fisheries are now fully exploited or overexploited due to fishing and seafood farming practices that harm marine habitats and seafood supplies. “The effort within the seafood industry to turn around overfishing, and protect seafood as a critical renewable resource, has the potential to be one of the greatest ecological success stories of our time,” said Kerry Coughlin, Regional Director, Americas of the Marine Stewardship Council. “There are fisheries around the world operating sustainably, but a significant number still lack the impetus, commitment or scientific data needed to change. By taking a leadership role in creating a better environment through 100 percent contracted sustainable seafood sourcing, Sodexo will actively help to accelerate a global shift to sustainable fishing practices.” ### About Sodexo Sodexo in North America Sodexo, Inc. (www.sodexoUSA.com),领先的公司在美国的日常生活质量解决方案、加拿大和墨西哥,提供现场服务解决方案在企业、教育、医疗、政府、和远程站点段,以及动力解决方案,比如自尊通过。索迪斯公司,总部设在马里兰州,基金所有索迪斯基金会的行政成本(www.SodexoFoundation.org),一个独立的慈善机构,自1999年成立以来,取得了超过1500万美元的赠款,以在美国战胜饥饿。企业博客的访问www.sodexoUSA.com/blog。索迪斯,世界领导人在日常生活的质量解决方案的生活质量中发挥着重要作用的进步个人和组织的绩效。基于这种信念,索迪斯作为战略合作伙伴的公司和机构,重视绩效和员工福利,因为它已自1966年皮埃尔Bellon创立了该公司。共享相同的热情服务,索迪斯在80个国家的380000名员工设计、管理和现场服务解决方案的提供无与伦比的数组和动力解决方案。索迪斯已经创造了一种新型的服务业务,有利于实现员工和经济、社会和环境发展的社区、地区和国家在其运作。关键人物(2010年8月31日)

80亿dollarsrevenue 120000名员工1000万消费者提供每日6000客户700设施管理网站
