
Medical service dogs bring curative powers to veterans suffering from PTSD, traumatic brain injury, seizure disorders, mobility issues and more.
Nov 10, 2017 9:20 AM ET

蒂莫西·凯勒曼(Timothy Kellermann)凭借他的服务犬,飞行员的脚下,当他谈论自己在第10个山区分区和美国陆军的第82空降时,他不禁崩溃了。




Paratrooper veteran John Kelly served with the 4th Brigade, 25th infantry division out of Anchorage, Alaska, and deployed to Afghanistan.



幸运的是,两人通过Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs(GAMSD), and their outlooks on life and living changed almost immediately.




在退伍军人节的领导下,近600人和他们的宠物来到匹兹堡的弗里克公园(Pittsburgh's Frick Park)参加了第二届年度社区Mutt Strut。188bet网址怎么打不开PNC银行作为活动赞助商返回,并帮助筹集了约300,000美元,以帮助GAMSD努力训练和配对服务犬与患有PTSD,创伤性脑损伤,癫痫发作,癫痫发作,移动性问题等的退伍军人。这比去年的首届活动增加了100,000美元,该活动筹集了足够的筹集资金,可以提供9张服务犬。有了收益,凯勒曼(Kellerman)和凯利(Kelly)等大约13名退伍军人可能会再次感到安全。

The need for fundraising is certainly there. Training a dog to look out for its human is a process that takes up to two years and costs about $22,000 – and that investment is well worth it, as it is estimated that 20 veterans take their own lives every day. In fact, GAMSD has paired more than 180 dogs with veterans since 2010, and of those pairings, not one life has been lost to suicide.

GAMSD的创始人,执行董事兼首席执行官Carol Borden说:“能够为这些狗筹集资金非常重要,因为我们将其中的每一个都捐赠给了一位资深的接受者。”“他们必须经过许多级别的培训才能到达他们可以在人群中表现的地方,发生了许多不同的事情,并且仍然满足其处理者的需求。”

For Jessica Taucher, a Mutt Strut participant and volunteer from PNC, taking part in the event was certain.

“I didn’t join the service, but I wanted to give to a cause that is near and dear to my heart,” the Pittsburgh resident said. Both of Taucher’s parents enlisted as Army reservists and, given their service as well as all the men in her family going back to her grandfather in World War II, Jessica felt the need to take part in the event, to “support those who have served, in honor of my family.”

Participants Help to Transform Lives


“It’s been a crazy 10 years, and this last year has been amazing. I still have my moments, but it’s getting better. It isn’t a cure, but it is a big help. A very big help in the process.”

约翰·凯利(John Kelly)同意。“我来自一个完全孤立的人,根本没有与我的家人互动。现在,我是火车指挥托马斯(Thomas),一次与儿子一起在地板上几个小时。这很棒。我再次带我的妻子约会。这很好。”