

(3提单媒体/可比我们阿灵顿,弗金博宝手机版网页吉尼亚州- 1月6日,2012年的设计和建立一个在线毕业证书可持续性领导在亚利桑那州立大学在美国陆军士兵和平民,陆军国民警卫队和预备役部队宣誓就职期间1月6日签字仪式。金博宝怎么注册

参与事件在美国陆军国民警卫队总部在阿灵顿,弗吉尼亚州ASU总统迈克尔·m·克劳;准将Daniel j . Nelan助理导演,陆军国民警卫队;和理查德·g·基德IV,军队的副助理国务卿对能源和可持续性。金博宝怎么注册“这研究生证书课程介绍了士兵和平民在美国军队,陆军国民警卫队和预备役部队在可持续性科学主要原则,“ASU的乌鸦说。金博宝怎么注册“男人和女人参与本项目将学习应用可持续发展的工具,技术和概念来满足标准的操作效率,节能、节水,使用可再生能源,废物最少化,所有这一切将增强任务金博宝怎么注册准备和成本效益。“可持续性领金博宝怎么注册导毕业证书亚利桑那州立大学是一个定制开发项目具有当代可持续发展的挑战和机遇的例子相关的任务和操作军队,陆军国民警卫队和预备役部队。这是专门设计来帮助士兵和平民在进一步发展他们的教育移动军队,陆军国民警卫队和预备役部队接近他们的目标是可持续的组织。five-course在线程序通过ASU提供学院的可持续发展,这是全国第一个提供全面的可持续性科学的本科和研究生学位课程。金博宝怎么注册课程的项目也可以申请硕士学位的可持续性。金博宝怎么注册“陆军国民警卫队士兵今天面临着前所未有的需求,社区,自然资源和各种各样的其他资产。我们准备依赖于我们现在采取的行动,”Nelan说。 "We will meet these obligations by becoming a more sustainable organization, starting with ensuring our soldiers and civilians receive the highest quality training and education in sustainable practices and principals,” Nelan said. “This education program is a significant milestone for the Army Guard." The Army National Guard (ARNG) approached ASU with an idea to partner on the development of a sustainability program that will prepare soldiers to achieve future readiness requirements amid a changing military and increasingly limited resources. The ARNG provided a team of trainers, energy managers, logisticians and environmental specialists to work with ASU’s School of Sustainability faculty in developing the specialized, Army-centric curriculum. “One of the courses – Sustainable Military Acquisition and Logistics – will provide practical approaches to applying sustainability principles to procurement and acquisition, transportation, and material,” said Rob Melnick, executive dean with ASU’s School of Sustainability. Melnick, who oversees the program at ASU, noted that another course – Energy and the Built Environment – “will provide practical approaches to applying sustainability principles and practices to public works activities, housing, facilities operations and management, military construction, master planning, and energy management.” "Sustainability is key to the Army's future, and Net Zero strategies are the centerpiece of the Army sustainability initiative,” said Kidd. “As supply lines change due to operational vulnerabilities in Afghanistan, our fuel expenses increased significantly. Sustainability factors into everything we do, and that's why this new education program is so important." This sustainability leadership program aligns with key sustainability initiatives set by the Obama Administration, including a 2009 executive order regarding federal leadership in environmental, energy and economic performance; the Army’s sustainability campaign plan of 2010; and the Army National Guard’s Readiness Center Sustainability Operations Order of 2011. This partnership exemplifies ASU’s unwavering commitment to help create a sustainable future at local, national and global levels through education, use-inspired research and outreach. The Graduate Certificate in Sustainability Leadership builds on ASU’s established track record with the U.S. military, which encompasses a robust and long-standing ROTC program (founded in 1935) and innovative research collaborations including the establishment of the Flexible Display Center that brings together academia, industry and government to develop revolutionary flexible information portals. G.I. Jobs magazine recently cited ASU among the most “military friendly” universities in the United States for a third consecutive year. More information about the Sustainability Leadership Graduate Certificate at ASU is online athttp://金博宝怎么注册sustainabilityonline.asu.edu/sustainable-army。学校的可持续性在亚利桑那州立大学成立于2金博宝怎么注册007年,学校可持续性的亚利桑那州立大学的全球可持续性研究所汇集了多个学科和领导人来创建和分享知识,培养新一代的学者和实践者,并制定切实可行的解决方案,最紧迫的环境、经济和社会可持续发展的挑战,尤其是当他们与城市地区。拉斯•Knocke ASU媒体联系人:wknocke@asu.edu480-884-1542直接| 480-884-1542细胞卡罗尔•休斯carol.hughes@asu.edu480-965-6375直接| 480-965-6375细胞亚利桑那州立大学(http://www.asu.edu)可持续发展学院(金博宝怎么注册http://schoolof金博宝怎么注册sustainability.asu.edu全球可持续发展研究所()金博宝怎么注册http://金博宝怎么注册sustainability.asu.edu)ASU在线(http://asuonline.asu.edu美国亚利桑那州坦佩,ASU19987