South Pole Offers New Green-e Energy Certified Renewable Energy Certificate Option

South Pole Offers New Green-e Energy Certified Renewable Energy Certificate Option

Wednesday, July 11, 2018 - 8:00am


CONTENT: Press Release

Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) announced today that South Pole is now offering a renewable energy certificate (REC) program certified by Green-e® Energy, North America’s leading independent certification program for renewable energy. South Pole is one of the world's leading developers of emission reduction projects and offers renewable energy solutions in over 20 countries worldwide, including U.S. RECs for commercial and wholesale customers located in the North American market.

South Pole的REC计划使其客户可以通过整个北美的清洁能源生成创建的可再生能源证书来减少其用电的影响。这些客户正在从最近建造的可再生能源设施中获得环境利益,并有助于鼓励使用和开发新的可持续能源设施,例如风能和太阳能。

“We are excited to work with South Pole in offering its commercial customers a new Green-e certified renewable energy option,” said CRS Executive Director Jennifer Martin. “Businesses around the world are turning toward clean, emissions free electricity to power their operations, and South Pole’s RECs program gives these commercial customers another option for reducing the impact of their electricity use.”

“十多年来,我们的客户和领先的公司从我们的国际可再生​​能源项目(市场上最大的一项)中受益匪浅,”南极可再生能源投资组合管理负责人Gian Autenrieth说。“我们很高兴能够提供绿色E认证的Recs,清洁能源认证的可信赖地标,并继续通过可靠的解决方案支持雄心勃勃的公司可再生能源目标。”

Green-E Energy是北美领先的可再生能源认证和验证计划。该计划由CRS管理,提供独立的第三方认证,以确保认证的可再生能源符合严格的环境和消费者保护标准。在2016年,超过963,000份绿色E认证的可再生能源(包括超过53,000个企业)的零售购买者购买了超过4,800万兆瓦时的绿色E型认证电力,足以为美国近三分之一的家庭提供一个月的供电。

As a provider of Green-e Energy certified renewable energy, South Pole agrees to abide by the Green-e Energy Code of Conduct and meet strict disclosure and truth-in-advertising requirements. All participants in Green-e Energy undergo an annual third-party verification audit and review of marketing materials to ensure their customers are receiving the correct quantity and type of renewable energy, and that advertising is accurate.

For more information about South Pole’s RECs products, visit金博宝怎么注册sustainability-solutions/certificates.

For more information, please contact

杰夫·斯威顿(Jeff Swenerton)
Communications Director
Center for Resource Solutions

Gian Autenrieth
Head of Renewables Portfolio Management
South Pole
+41 43 501 35 50

South Pole is a leading provider of global sustainability financing solutions and services. The company has over 200 experts in 16 global offices and has worked with a wide range of public, private and civil society organisations for over a decade. The company’s expertise covers project and technology finance, data and advisory on sustainability risks and opportunities, as well as the development of environmental commodities such as carbon credits or renewable energy credits. For more information, visitsouthpole.comor follow the company on Twitter:@southpoleglobal.

About Green-e and Center for Resource Solutions
A program of the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions, Green-e is North America’s leading independent consumer protection program for the sale of renewable energy and greenhouse gas reductions in the retail market. Green-e offers certification and verification services through Green-e Energy, a renewable energy certification program; Green-e Climate, a greenhouse gas emission reduction certification program; and Green-e Marketplace, a program that provides forward-thinking organizations a simple, nationally recognized logo they can use to communicate their renewable energy and climate commitment to their customers and stakeholders. To learn more about Green-e certified products and programs available in North America,


杰夫·斯威顿(Jeff Swenerton)
Center for Resource Solutions
Gian Autenrieth
South Pole