西南航空公司通过医疗交通赠款方案免费交通提供超过2 400万美元
自程序启动以来,全国70多家医院和组织共收到26个州18 800张往返机票
西南航空公司(NYSE: LUV) announced today that more than 70 hospitals and charities from across the nation were selected for Southwest's 2012 Medical Transportation Grant Program. The Medical Transportation Grant Program seeks to lessen the burden of travel expenses for families who are facing serious illness by providing complimentary, roundtrip airline tickets to nonprofit hospitals and medical organizations. Southwest gives the freedom for these hospitals and organizations to provide the tickets to patients who must travel for treatment. For 2012, Southwest will provide more than $2.4 million in free transportation to patients seeking medical treatment. Now in its fifth year, the program has quadrupled the number of participating hospitals since its inception and has provided more than 18,800 tickets to organizations in 26 states. To see a full list of recipients, please visit:www.southwest.com/citizenship.
西南航空公司通信与战略拓展副总裁Linda Rutherford表示:「我们相信改变,西南航空公司联手摄影师 罗伯特X福加蒂并 亲爱的世界通过摄像媒体工作,通过照片向主体提供简单深入的声音。这些情感和有影响照片帮助传递希望信息、医疗交通赠款程序的重要性和西南对改变现状的承诺照片中每个人都有自己的故事讲讲,它是否为病人和家属 得克萨斯ScottishRite医院达拉斯的义工 红十字中家庭 kIDD儿童基金会或西南航空公司雇员选择与个人环境共鸣的信息照片高亮改变你是谁 并庆祝个人胜利 www.swamedia.com西南航空公司Nuts环西语博客: www.blogsouthwest.com.了解通过指定组织提供旅行帮助的资格时,请直接联系社会工作局、旅行委服务局或病人援助局,因为每个局都有独有的票管理指南。西南航空公司继续与其他低收费航空公司提供可靠产品相区别,并有模范客户服务西南航空公司是国家最大客运客载并购入AirTran航空公司,该航空公司现为西南航空公司独资子公司加亚特兰大西南为38个州的73个城市服务, 并仍然是世界最光荣航空公司之一,更多了解西南如何做自己一个好公民访问 southwest.com/citizenship西南航空公司报告TM西南达拉斯目前每天运营3 300多航班,雇员超过37,000名- www.southwest.com-SWA21327