



前两段的采访格雷格已经运行在这个博客空间,和第一次鼓励读者阅读这些为了得到全面掌握格雷格的工作,也看的短暂视频这使得一脸努力。如果我们作为金合欢组,建立一些新的或者东方我们的方法对国际社区发展的一种稍微不同的方式是因为人们喜欢格雷格和组织188bet网址怎么打不开社会企业家队出去,指明了航向成功的社区项目可以是什么样子;188bet网址怎么打不开项目可持续发展的,是在本地运行和操作。格雷格的工作也了解通过输入和领导参与实习生,谁又受益于那些。我问他关于处理这组学习者和贡献者。格雷格,以简单的方式——这是在很多方面太限制,千禧一代被描述为在两极之间拟合。一个,他们是有相当的资格,他们想要他们想要的东西,当他们需要的时候,;两个,他们非常感兴趣的问题在全球化和全面参与社会责任需要帮助他人和这个星球。你观察到当你看到这些年轻人参与?而出现的大部分学生自然会落入后者寻求帮助,还有前组的痕迹,谁想去简单的事情。这很快消失了。 The experience of working with local villagers is enhanced for participants who go in with an open hand, and open mind and are prepared to get their hands dirty. Sitting on the sidelines is not an option and the act of “doing” erodes the sense of entitlement very quickly. During the volcano in June, while it did not directly impact our program, it did have an effect on communities close by – we had a team meeting and the response was unequivocal “We are fine, this event has happened to us, now let’s get out there and go help”. These guys are inspirational, they did this independent of direction from our program. These are the leaders of tomorrow who are showing their skills right now. From a corporate social responsibility perspective (CSR) - it is really quite fascinating. Established leaders in business or the social arena may do “battle” as to the appropriateness of interactions and the place on the continuum of certain efforts. Young leaders see no such dichotomy – there is no best approach – they simply live the concept of do well by doing good. Social is not a bad word, business is not either. Voluntourism is growing and becoming more popular. Critics are concerned about what can be a transactional and surface level approach to change. What are your thoughts on this? If it is about sampling of a culture then I would argue that it is not effective for either the participant or the local villager. If it is about true learning and making a true impact then that is another. It should always be about supporting the end needs of the beneficiaries and supporting those organizations that support the beneficiaries. (We had previously established that Greg and SEC are a development organization versus a volunteer organization) One of things we have to guard against is students saying “I will help in this way” i.e. their way. Instead they should be asking “What do you want” – often this is not sexy stuff, but it can create a huge impact. What does the future hold for Greg Van Kirk? The connection to Ashoka and the Ashoka Lemolson Fellowship has been huge. While we have been encouraged to develop our model of microconsignment elsewhere, to be done well it takes a lot of time. You have to create a relationship of trust and integrity. This cannot be transactional and quick. The Fellowship has opened lots of doors to share information with brilliant leaders in the field, and as a result we can share and combine ideas that can have an impact in different places. We don’t always have to use any one program but can constantly adapt and learn based on the application and location. The truth of the matter is that our model and other Ashoka programs work and can work all over the world. We have an obligation to make this happen. So we work with our own internal leadership team and try to find ways to create replication, working with good partners elsewhere to leverage their connections into an area. We are also working with the尤金·朗在哥伦比亚大学创业中心我们专注于创造卓越中心为研究和改善microconsignment住房——我们可以为自己建立一个过时的知识访问连接点。思想与领导人…?我们无意中创造了一种文化的有效领导,我们吸引人卷入某种方式,我们帮助他们形状的想,你知道,基本面——开始与结束记住——提供仆人领导——请不要管理,不要告诉——学会信任。隐式信任你的团队,他们总有信心,即使犯错误只是学习,他们会没事的。格雷格的慷慨和开放的愿景是真正了不起的,并允许cocreation的项目和服务,可以有一个对所有参与的人的生活产生深远的影响。188bet上不了很多要感谢他给我们的时间谈话,为伙伴关系,让我们站在自己的肩膀上。金合欢集团的使命是为组织和个人提供变革和独特的领导力发展寻求实现自己的全球公民。为此我们从企业社会责任知识融合,社区发展和为卓越领导力发展和学习出现新的机会为我们的客户。188bet网址怎么打不开格雷格·柯克和SEC已经慷慨地同意合作金合欢组发展的有效领导通过工作在危地马拉。我们正在为更小的组提供一个独特的机会加入我们2010年11月下旬,学习和帮助塑造我们的程序。联系我们更多信息或加入我们的即将到来网络研讨会7月7日th中午12点PDT。ACACIA7694