


CAMPAIGN:Diversity and Inclusion


  • 2021年获得的银奖添加到2020年获得的铜奖奖
  • 计划旨在扭转麦肯锡公司的妇女在工作场所报告中确定的几种社会趋势的影响
  • Stellantis妇女的第三年级毕业于2021年10月
  • Methodology expanding to support the launch of two new leadership programs focusing on Black and multicultural employees

密歇根州奥本希尔斯(Auburn Hills),2021年12月2日, / 3BL Media / - Stellantis妇女领导力经验(WLE)领导力发展计划最近获得了Brandon Hall Group的卓越奖。

This was the second award for excellence the program has earned over the past two years. The program earned a Brandon Hall Bronze Award in its first year of eligibility in 2020.

The Brandon Hall Excellence Awards recognize the best organizations that have successfully deployed programs, strategies, modalities, processes, systems and tools that have achieved measurable results. The awards attract entrants from leading corporations around the world.


  • 即使在入门级职位上
  • 在随后的每一个职业步骤中,女性的代表进一步下降,有色女性在高级级别上的下降甚至更加戏剧性的下降
  • 结果,美国公司只有五分之一的高级执行领导人是一名女性,而30分之一的有色女人

“Sitting back and watching these trends play out in our company and our society is no longer acceptable,” said Teresa Thiele, director, aftermarket purchasing, global body & interior and North America operations and co-chairwoman of the Women's Alliance at Stellantis. “We must continue to battle against these disturbing trends and build on the momentum created from programs like The Women’s Leadership Experience.”

In 2018, energized by the vision to do something tangible to attack these trends, a team of motivated members of the company’s Women’s Alliance Business Resource Group scoped out the challenge, secured executive buy-in, and focused available expertise and resources to develop a unique developmental experience.

The result was an eight-month program offering participants a mix of executive experiences, including executive coaching, executive sponsor interactions with both male and female sponsors and leadership opportunities.


The WLE inaugural class concluded in October 2019, graduating 24 participants, some of whom have already been promoted at the company.


“In the end, this is an outstanding example of how truly empowered people with vision, passion and selflessness can affect meaningful change ... change that benefits an entire organization,” said Rob Wichman, global planning lead for body on frame vehicles and executive sponsor of the Stellantis Women’s Alliance Business Resource Group.

Stellantis is applying the focus and methodology of the program to launch two additional leadership development initiatives for high potential Black and multicultural employee leaders. These programs will kick off in January 2022.


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迈克·帕塞斯(Mike Palese)

克里斯蒂娜·比亚奇(Christina Biache)