

(3去年可比我们2月11日金博宝手机版网页2011 -战略管理杂志》上的研究表明,在某些领域,企业慈善捐赠的500000美元转化为销售额的增长了300万美元。

公司慈善捐赠的价值已经在过去的20年。2007年,美国公司花了157亿美元在慈善事业上。美国西尔斯罗巴克公司认为销售近年来撞超过1300万美元的产品向贫困家庭捐赠50000美元。虽然这样的轶事似乎表明,行善可以良好的商业,问题仍然存在有关企业慈善事业和公司财务绩效之间的因果关系。研究者巴鲁克列弗(纽约大学),克里斯汀Petrovits(纽约大学),和苏雷什Radhakrishnan(德克萨斯大学达拉斯)检查企业慈善事业的影响,企业社会责任(CSR)的一种形式,对收入增长的上市公司1989年和2000年之间。金博宝手机版网页他们的研究建立在之前的研究调查企业社会责任的商业案例。金博宝手机版网页过去的研究的一个重要限制是不能建立因果关系(即企业社会责任,事实上,财务业绩的司机)。金博宝手机版网页研究小组进行了一系列的测试来解决这个问题,检查收入变化之后的捐款。研究人员推测,适当的公司给予项目帮助公司吸引和留住满意的顾客,导致更高的收入在未来几年。列弗和同事发现,公司捐赠今天确实财务嘛某些情况下做得更好。 In particular, the firms experiencing higher revenues in the years following their contributions were those who operate in consumer-focused industries. For firms in retail and financial services, a $500,000 increase in charitable contributions generated $3 million in sales. In industries characterized by large business or government customers, the same effects were not present. Why? Donations, which improve the company’s reputation, can attract new consumers or make existing consumers less likely to switch. Customer satisfaction is the key mediator in the relationship. The causal tests performed by the research also examine other possible explanations for the relationship between philanthropy and subsequent increased revenues. But they found no evidence that factors such as the presence of institutional investors, management quality, industry growth or donations based on expectations of growth diminish the causal link between philanthropy and future revenue growth. Also, the authors find only marginal evidence of a reverse causal relationship, suggesting that prior revenues have a very weak effect on future donations. The researchers note that the effects of donations on revenue growth were observed at average donation levels; the returns from philanthropy likely diminish the more a company spends. Keep this in mind when deciding how much to spend. Philanthropy, then, may be as justifiable as investments like R&D or advertising for firms selling to consumers. What’s next? The authors hope future research will help firms pinpoint the optimal level of giving, measure other possible mediation paths between philanthropy and financial performance (e.g., innovation, labour relations), and support their findings using alternative methods such as natural experiments. Read more Research Insights on the业务案例的可持续性金博宝怎么注册。NBS11783